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The Payday gang have hit this one a number of times. Washington is full of stores like this. They can be easily entered at the front and back, and are small enough that a well-rehearsed crew can quickly nullify any resistance.
Notes: Security in these places is laughable, but when they’re operating so close to the profit margin, what can you expect? An increase in local patrols might give us a faster heads up if the Payday gang pay a visit.
Harvest and Trustee Bank has branches all over Washington. They are generally single-storey constructions, with heavy rear doors, roof access and cameras that are controlled from a locked security room. Most branches will employ three or four security personnel, and teller staff are trained to lower shutters in the event of a robbery.
Notes: Forget H&T doing much to put their house in order. I recommend the construction of new training facilities for our teams, model them on these banks. Harvest and Trustee don't seem likely to change their security, as all their losses are covered by the federal government anyway.
It appears that there was a burglary on a warehouse registered to Murkywater. However, there has been no official word on this, and our only lead on it comes from overheard conversations with Murkywater personnel we occasionally employ. Of note, however, is that the market was flooded with foreign banknotes and ancient artifacts shortly after.
Notes: The Murkies aren’t saying anything about what went down that night. Can’t blame ‘em. If they’re moving as much illegal contraband as we suspect, they wouldn’t want us sniffing around.
Despite the great wealth on display, the ‘Gioielli di Famiglia’ protected its expensive store with only a modest amount of security. The building had several ways in and out, cameras controlled by a well-equipped security room and several guards.
Notes: Perhaps they thought that bringing their Milan chic to the heart of downtown would keep them safe from the Payday crew. If anything, this proves that Bain and his boys are willing to hit absolutely anywhere. This wealth of easily fenced stones made it a natural target for the Payday gang.
Crime.net has coordinated multiple hits against GenSec's armored trucks all across the city. The jobs are well-planned. Hits have included the use of cranes, truck cabs and planting explosives to blow up downtown skywalks.
Notes: Based on the fact that Bain is planning against moving convoys, there is almost certainly a leak in the GenSec operation. This indicates that Bain may have operatives within that organization. I recommend assisting GenSec in any way we can to help plug that leak.
Civilian trains are often authorized to carry sensitive military equipment, providing they can provide the appropriate security. This train was stopped by hacked signal boxes. It was shipping a prototype RC1 automated turret.
Notes: If the army brass doesn’t want to lose more of its experimental ordnance, it needs to stop handing it over to these civilian outfits. Who the hell knows what else Bain might be picking up?
Based on the security footage, this appears to be an act of focused vandalism. The stores in the mall were specifically focused for damage, rather than theft.
Notes: Not the typical job for Bains’ crew. Got to be another motive behind this. Look into who stands to lose, and who stands to gain, from the damage here.
There have been several hits on these four stores in an otherwise-quiet downtown neighborhood. The MO of the perpetrators has been to execute a rapid hit-and-run, aimed at emptying cash registers and getting out fast.
Notes: Hard to see what Bain stands to gain from this, so I suspect it is as much a favor to keep a contact sweet. This area has deep connections with the Russian community, so it is possible that these four stores are caught between two squabbling Russian mob-bosses.
Late on 12/24/2014 a small civilian aircraft suddenly radioed a mayday. As there was no flight path submitted, and it must have been flying very low to have not registered on ATC radar, SWAT teams were dispatched to investigate. What they found was the Payday team attempting to extricate a disoriented pilot from the scene. Later it was revealed that the plane was rented by a fake company, and that the black box recorded a collision with an unknown flying object
Notes: If the Payday gang were there, there must have been something in with that cargo. Based on the low-level flight, my guess is that it was a smuggling run - cocaine, perhaps guns. Security at these small local airfields needs tightening.
This appears to have been a jewelry store job, similar to many others committed, though the goal was very specific - a diamond tiara secured in a safe. This tiara was being held for Dmitri Volkov, and was apparently intended to be worn by his wife at their wedding.
Notes: If it wasn’t for the people who might get caught in the crossfire, I’d be happy to let these mobsters take shots at each other over their petty squabbles.
The warehouse beside the docks is registered to the Murkywater Private Security company. We were alerted to an incident there by a phone call from a private citizen. It is unknown what the Payday gang were able to remove from the premises.
Notes: It’s telling that it took a guy nearby, hearing gunfire, to make the call and not the Murkies themselves. That means they don’t want us to know what was taken, and that scares me. I recommend applying more political pressure on those mercenaries. It could be something important.
Shortly after the recent quake that devastated much of southern California, two shipping trucks, left stranded on the freeway, were robbed. The trucks belonged to a Seattle-San Francisco-Los Angeles shipping company called Kowalski & Hutch. They claimed their client was a Russian businessman, but before investigators could get more details the offices were burned down and all records destroyed.
Notes: Of all places to appear, we could never have predicted the appearance of the Payday gang in LA, but there those bastards were. Seems to be a straightforward hit on a couple of trucks, though what could be so precious that it would get Bain’s crew all the way out to the West Coast.
The Tasteful Club is a routine stop for our patrols on Saturday nights. The calls are mostly related to drunk-and-disorderlies. Owned and managed by Dmitri Volkov - a known snitch who handed Vlad Kozak to the authorities - we also suspect that it hosts illegal gambling. It appears that the Payday gang stole a large sum of money from the safe in the managers office.
Notes: Normally, I wouldn’t give two hoots for gangsters shooting each other up, but the Tasteful is a public place, which means civilians might get caught. And why are they targeting this particular Russian - maybe a connection with a rival?
It started with an unknown person behaving suspiciously in the street and being challenged by patrolling police officers. The suspect fled and disappeared near the Midtown Mall. Shortly after, what appeared to be the same person was apprehended inside the mall itself, incompetently disguised as Santa Claus and extremely inebriated. As officers were trying to question him, the Payday Gang suddenly appeared at the mall, freeing the prisoner, shooting the mall to pieces, killing police officers and stealing various seemingly random items from the shops. They finished off by blowing the roof open with explosives and airlifting themselves and the prisoner out along with the Mall’s enormous Christmas tree.
Notes: This is a puzzling one. There are so many questions here: Who was the mysterious man in the Santa costume? What is his relation to the clowns? Why did they risk extended confrontation with the police in order steal minor items from the shops in the mall? And the tree?
This operation was conducted in cooperation with Hector Morales. The Payday gang were originally contracted to provide escort for a batch of Morales’ coke. The real purpose, however, was for them to be in a place and time of our choosing. Unfortunately, the Bureau underestimated the gang, who fought their way out of the ambush. However, it does not appear that the gang suspected the involvement of the Bureau. Morales directed them to a rendezvous at the nearby docks, where a second attempt to apprehend them was made.
Notes: If there was ever a perfect opportunity to nail the Payday gang, this was it. Packed into a van, surrounded, we should have ended this there.
This appears to be aimed squarely at the interests of the Mendoza cartel. A private airfield that was owned by a holding company, a raid on our own regional offices and the destruction of a large cache of currency at a Harvest and Trustee Bank.
Notes: Bain and Crime.net are all over this but I suspect it is a contract job. The Sinaloan cartel have been warring with the Mendozas for years. Are the Sinaloans linked with Bain?
A number of high-ranking Mendoza cartel members were assassinated while being escorted out of the country under armed guard. These South Americans had cooperated with our field agents, and a deal had been worked out that would see their safe passage in exchange for information on the Sinaloan cartel. It is possible that this assassination was also linked to two other incidents - a meth-operation in a forest shack, and a shoot-out in a neighborhood ruled by The Cobras gang.
Notes: Another war between the cartels. These things get bloody, fast, and, even though they’re shooting at each other, we have to practice zero tolerance. The Mendoza’s were almost in bed with the Bureau too. The failure to protect them not only means we lost a valuable contact, we’re also going to find it harder to convince any other rats in the future.
Professor Rossy suffered a serious burglary at his secluded laboratory. He is a highly respected physicist, who has spent years trying to convince the scientific world of the viability of cold fusion - the cheap generation of enormous amounts of power without radiation. The mansion that houses his laboratory is in a remote area, and not easy to reach.
Notes: I smell the spoor of the Hill on this one. From what we can gather, Prof. Rossy was on the verge of something truly remarkable. If he has finally made a breakthrough, it would be worth a lot to the right - or wrong - people. This one might lead me to a tasty catch, possibly proving Crime.net’s political connections.
The Capitol Art Gallery reported the burglary of several paintings from an exhibition of new Singaporean artists. Questioning the usual fencers dealing in such art drew a blank, but these paintings were later found in the apartment of a well-respected Senator.
Notes: This has dirty political fingerprints all over it, and shows just how connected Bain and Crime.net has become. Hard to say who benefited the most from this. The fallout saw a shake-up that had Capitol Hill playing musical chairs. I’m sure one of those senators, congressmen, governors made good on this. I suspect this was the work of the Payday gang, which shows they have the brains to hatch a political scandal unseen since Watergate.
There were sightings of the Payday crew at the docks where the voting machines for the Mayoral elections were being stored, as well as at the warehouse where they were transported.
Notes: Suspicious activity around the ballot machines potentially points to some crooked political crime, though perhaps this was Bains’ intention. In this town, any kind of suspicion could discredit a nominee.
We have a room full of files detailing attempted robberies on this place, going back decades. However, not one has been successfully completed. The Benevolent take their security extremely seriously, and their preparations are some of the best we at the Bureau have seen.
Notes: Without giving them too much praise, Bains’ crew executed a text-book heist here. From the planning to the execution, it was a thorough job. This one should be getting taught at the Academy. The Benevolent is uncomfortably close to the White House, so I recommend tightening patrols around here.
An assassination attempt on Grigori Beria. A Russian mob boss known by the alias “The Commissar". His record shows that he has been involved in a range of criminal activity, including prostitution, drug manufacture and distribution, murder, and guns. The assassination involved two locations. Firstly, a motel on the outskirts of town, which was well-known to us as a hang-out for The Commissar’s men, and, secondly, a high-rise apartment block.
Notes: We can’t be seen to take sides. We gotta be merciless. Much as I’d like to let these two go at it, wipe each out, we have to go in. Maybe tactics aimed at mitigating casualties, because Bain’s crew left these places looking like warzones.
Security was very high as the prisoner - James Hoxworth - was being transferred from Hazelton Prison to his parole hearing. The Payday gang intercepted this transfer through the use of C4 explosives. They then escorted him through the streets. Soon after escaping from the reacting forces, they headed to the FBI headquarters at the Hoover building, where they stole a server.
Notes: The gang obviously wanted this guy back, and he obviously wanted something from us. If there’s one thing to learn from this, it is "never underestimate the Payday gang".
This incident regrettably occurred at one of the Bureau’s most secluded safe houses. Despite the level of security, the Payday gang was able to get through to the secured asset - a South American drug baron turned informant called Hector Morales - and eliminate him.
Notes: A real black mark on the history of the Bureau. The best security we could provide, and the clowns went right through it. And the dead rat? Well, he was one of the few that might have delivered Bain to us. We lost a shot at a clean prosecution, but no-one will cry over the corpse of Hector Morales.
The McKendrick Museum of Ancient Arts sits beside the Mall, and its exhibitions draw huge numbers of tourists to the city. The display of The Diamond was its biggest draw. The Museum is a solid building, with only a limited number of options for breaking in. In addition to the theft of the Diamond, several artifacts from other exhibitions were taken.
Notes: Never saw the appeal in a shiny rock, but I understand the appeal of its value to Crime.net. We need to brief institutions on proper security. A handful of underpaid mall cops aren’t going to cut it. Further, need to look into who could fence a stone with this kind of value. Would require someone with very special connections.
The Golden Grin is one of the premier casinos on the Las Vegas strip. From the report submitted by the LVPD, it appears that the Payday gang came very prepared for this one - zeppelins, inside men, limos and a custom-built drill so big it needed heavy power and coolant. But, given all of this, the owners are being very cagey about what they Payday gang took. “They ripped the heart outta this place," an employee was quoted as saying, though, as yet, no insurance claim has been filed.
Notes: It’s way out of where they usually operate, so I’ve instructed my team to offer any assistance required by the Nevada police. All the evidence we can pull on the Payday gang will be valuable. But this job worries me. Not only was it one of the best planned and executed heists they’ve pulled, it means they’re looking beyond the capital.
A Croatian ship, the Moretta, commonly hauls a cargo back and forth from Split, Croatia. Background checks into the registry checked out, and it was authorized to transport military materiel. When this incident occurred, it was carrying a shipment of thermobaric explosives.
Notes: The Docks have always been a hotspot for crime. The amounts of drugs, guns and money that have illegally passed through those waters is incalculable. Given the origin of this cargo and the foreign crew, there is a chance that this heist originated overseas, most likely from Croatia. This could indicate that a foreign contact - possibly Horvat - is now working with Crime.net.
Trains ferry a huge amount of cargo from the docks to destinations inland. The train tracks are often vulnerable to sabotage, especially around the single-track bridges.
Notes: The wreckage at the site was enormous. I’m impressed with how fast our units got out there to engage them. Almost as fast as the ambulances that came back. The Payday gang are increasingly operating outside the city limits - this could be a worrying trend.
The Capitol Art Gallery is one of DC’s leading galleries, hosting exhibitions ranging from 17th Century Swedish masterpieces to modern Singaporean pop-art. This burglary saw the disappearance of several modern masterpieces. Art crime has always been very lucrative. Theft, smuggling, and forgery have driven an insatiable black-market.
Notes: The gallery is a compact and highly porous facility, with multiple ways in and out. The skylights seem to be particularly vulnerable. Seems like the notoriety brings visitors, so maybe the gallery isn’t interested in boosting security.
A Miami Beach mansion rumored to belong to the Sosa Cartel was hit in the early hours of the morning. One of the bodies identified on the scene bore a strong similarity to photos of Ernesto Sosa, believed to be the Cartel’s top man in Miami. Confiscated security footage identified the attackers as the Payday Gang.
Notes: What was the Payday Gang doing in Miami hitting the Sosas? We’ll have to partner with local law enforcement and investigate what the connection is.
The GenSec Arena was supposed to be GenSec’s flagship - it’s where they were showing off their new Investment Safe. The incident occurred on the same night that Swedish DJ, Alesso, was giving a concert.
Notes: This shows that the clowns like to be cocky. While they earned a huge fortune, GenSec was losing theirs. Looks like they had help from an inside source too. We can’t have GenSec getting suckered like that - recommend that they do a full sweep of all personnel with backstage access that night.
After arresting Mr. Summers and Mr. Jones, it was discovered they had been running a money printing operation for years in Pensacola, Florida. Embarrassingly enough, the Police Department down there had no idea this was going on and some of them even said they would never have been caught if it wasn't for the PAYDAY gang. Thankfully, that shit-fest is out of our jurisdiction, so we can't get any blame for what went down.
Notes: Mitchell Summers and Wilson Jones. These cunning assholes had been running a rather impressive counterfeit operation from a basement in the Pensacola suburbs, for god knows how long. It's not the PAYDAY gang's usual MO to work outside of Washington, which tells me they knew the trip South would be worth it. Not much I can do with this information, except assume that there isn't really any kind of crime they wouldn't do.
This unoccupied shack in the forest was supposedly condemned. City records indicate it was structurally unsound and due for demolition. Its remoteness made it perfect as a place for criminal activity. Investigation showed that it was used as a makeshift meth lab. The compact structure with many windows provided a great many options for providing well-covered fire into the approaches.
Notes: This job shows exactly how tough this gang is. Despite throwing wave after wave of SWAT teams at them, they managed to hold that shack like a bunker, and produce enough meth to flood the streets with ice.
Conducted early in the morning, this bank job carries all the hallmarks of a classic job by the Payday gang. Forcing their way through to the rear area, the gang used thermite to melt their way down to the vault interior. As police forces gathered outside the front, the gang used C4 explosives to blast through to the neighboring office and made their escape before local commanders knew the heist was over. Inside help is suspected and we are currently investigating the backgrounds of the staff for likely collaborators.
Notes: Why the hell weren’t we watching this one? Jesus Christ, one of the biggest banks in the DC area - of course they were going to hit it. And that escape…just shows how rigid the thinking of our commanders is. Might be time to clear the decks there. Bain really caught us with our pants down and gave us a spanking we deserved for it.
A lot is still unknown to our police department when it comes to Murkywater, but we do know that they are very serious about the business they are conducting. Having a hidden train yard where they can operate freely is no simple task, but the mercenaries still manage to do it, and every time we catch up to them they have moved their operations before we can make any arrests.
Notes: We are well aware that Murkywater have operations all over the world, including these hidden train yards right here in the US where they can transport their goods in secrecy. This is not the first time the PAYDAY gang has meddled in the affairs of the mercenary organization, and it sure as hell won't be the last.
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is completely blocking us out from conducting our investigation on exactly what happened by the lumberyard, but we do have an informant telling us about a hidden laboratory and inhumane experiments taking place.
Notes: This is messy. Way too messy. Whatever took place in Russia we know that the PAYDAY gang were involved, but to what extent is still unknown and all our attempts to find the truth is getting shut down immediately. I have contacted McKendrick to see if he can pull any strings to further our investigation, but I'm not holding my breath.
Our officers arriving at the scene were shocked by the chaos that met them. The Payday gang was in a full-blown shootout with the Honduran cartel, with several goats running amok all over the neighborhood. Upon examining one of those goats retrieved from the scene, we found a package of cocaine inserted rectally in the animal.
Notes: These damned criminals are willing to do anything nowadays - smuggling coke using Goats? Anyhow, this is not like the Clowns. It was sloppy and poorly executed. Even though they got away with a big fortune, it doesn't fit their usual MO. Someone else was behind this. Someone with power and influence. The Russian guy we found hiding in a dumpster still hasn't given anything up yet, but we'll break him sooner or later.
The industrial areas have long been havens for criminal activity, and the greater the decay in the buildings, it seems, the greater the crimes. We knew that there was a new supply of cocaine in the city, and were following various leads to its origin. From what we can gather from the remaining evidence this warehouse was being used to cut and package the product, before being distributed across the city.
Notes: These old industrial wastelands are breeding grounds for this kinda crap. And these bastards had their cutters dressed up as elves. What kind of sick mind dreams that up? Regardless, this amount of coke means that there is a new supply into the city. The clowns didn't leave much for us to go on, but perhaps we can find something to trace it back.
The Teuer dealership had recently received a shipment of the latest model, the Falcogini. The dealership building is a very open construction with many ways in and out. The robbery of the Falcoginis took place early in the evening, while the dealership was still open. Further, it appears that an explosion near the dealership allowed the thieves to avoid the busy rush-hour roads and into deserted tunnels.
Notes: The Payday gang are almost as dangerous behind the wheel of a car as they are behind the barrel of a gun. We’re going to need to invest a lot more in pursuit and interception if we intend to deal with the Payday gang on the road.
The OVERKILL MC have been operating out of Washington D.C. for years, and like the typical biker MO, they proudly display their criminal lifestyle. We’ve had some extra eyes on their clubhouse on-and-off for the last two years, ever since we learned about their supposed affiliation with the man called the Elephant.
Notes: This is what we know: Tom "Rust" Bishop seems to have betrayed his former biker buddies for a chance to join the Clowns, pissing the OVERKILL MC off, making them retaliate by taking an individual by the name of Mike hostage, hoping that would make Rust come to them. Well, their plan succeeded and failed simultaneously. Rust did show up, but with his new allies by his side. An all-out war took place between the two factions, and our own men weren’t enough to stop them. In the end, the PAYDAY gang managed to free Mike the mechanic and escape.
Freight railroads are vital to the U.S. economy, and are often used to transport coal and oil across the country. The freight trains mostly have problems with the Freight Train Riders of America, a gang of homeless people who move about by freight hopping in railroad cars. But as far as we can tell, it is not like the OVERKILL MC has used freight trains to transport stolen goods previously. However, this incident will make us investigate the matter further.
Notes: Scott Sagano (the biker we arrested after the carnage at the OVERKILL MC clubhouse) provided us with information regarding an advanced type of weaponry being transported on the freight train. We knew the Clowns would show up, so I had all our men ready on standby to intercept the biker operation. Unfortunately, the combined firepower from the Clowns and the Bikers pushed us back, and we were unable to retrieve the weapon. We could only watch as the masked freaks escaped by helicopter.
A building in the projects was the scene of a major gunfight. As local police arrived they found the Payday Gang on the scene, and all hell broke loose. As our investigators analyzed the scene in the aftermath, it seemed the whole building had been torn apart using explosives. Someone was clearly looking for something big there.
Notes: These clowns are the worst. No telling what they were after here, but the damage to the building was very severe. Which just proves that they must be stopped, and soon - we can’t allow these marauders to wreak such havoc in our city any longer.
We were just about to arrest the crooked taxman, Adrian Sturr, when the PAYDAY gang intervened, opening fire at our officers on the scene. Our men could do nothing but watch as the vehicle Mr. Sturr was hiding in was lifted up in the air by usage of a crane, and dropped on an abandoned building across the street. SWAT was called in to storm the building, but the PAYDAY gang managed to hold them off long enough to get what they wanted. When our men finally managed to secure the building, Mr. Sturr was found barely breathing. The server was gone, and the monitor in the room showed that a large transaction of 25 million had been transferred to an untraceable account.
Notes: How the hell could the PAYDAY gang know this deal was going down? What kind of sources do they actually have? I shouldn't be surprised by the beating they gave Mr. Sturr, but that was brutal even for them. I need to find out how corrupt this city really is, because I can't get shit done working under these circumstances.
A traffic incident on the southbound I-45 resulted in a convoy belonging to the independent military contractors, Murkywater, being diverted from its path. Shortly after, it appears to have been attacked, and the main truck was forced off the road and into the meat-packing district. From there, the Payday gang managed to extract several articles from the truck - though Murkywater will not reveal what was stolen.
Notes: Things are getting very heated between these two groups. Murkywater has operations all over the world, but they can’t fail to respond to these actions by Bain and his guys. Doubtless the Murkies will retaliate in some fashion. Perhaps we could coordinate with them?
The Payday Gang was sighted in a violent running gun battle through the streets of New York. It seems they were chasing someone up several streets and then escaped via helicopter.
Notes: The Payday Gang in New York again? It seems they were looking for someone special here. And were ready to fight an open street battle in Manhattan to get at that someone. Could this have a connection to the firefight in Brooklyn earlier this year?
The Green Bridge blown to bits and several prison transports sawed open. It seems to have been the Payday Gang again. There were a number of prisoners missing, but it's hard to say who they were after - none of the missing had any obvious connection to the gang or any of their known associates.
Notes: Blowing up a major bridge just to break someone out. These guys are going far beyond anything ever heard of in US crime history. We must stop them, and soon!
Something odd went down on a snowy evening at a deserted dockyard near Anchorage, Alaska. Observations by local authorities flagged an appearance in the area by known mercenary Vernon Locke, though the exact nature of his potential involvement remain unclear. Law enforcement survivors on the ground report possible Payday operatives leaving the area on a cargo ship that proved to be untraceable. The incident file remains open, pending further information.
Notes: Something is coming to a head, but I don’t yet know what. I can’t see how all the threads connect yet, but I know they are all laid out. After the Alaska event, rumors abound in the underworld of betrayal, but I haven’t been able to confirm anything. It’s damned frustrating.
The Garnet Building is one of the most prominent business centers in the DC area and the crown jewel in CEO Mr. Nathan Garnet’s business empire. Long rumored among high society (and criminals) in Washington to house Garnet’s personal fortune reserve of diamonds, the building has been a viable target for gangs like Payday to hit, and as recent events have shown, those suspicions were founded on very solid ground. Since it was hit, Garnet stock has plummeted, and speculations have arisen as to whether the Garnet Group can survive without reconstruction. At the time of writing this entry, the secretive Mr. Garnet has not made any personal (or public) announcements regarding the incident.
Notes: This goes to prove that the Payday gang is still, for all intents and purposes, a bunch of simple thieves, motivated by a bottomless greed. For all their notoriety, craftiness and skill, they’re just two-bit criminals at heart and that will be their downfall. The fact that they took the bait on this is perfectly in line with how we will eventually to stop them. The timing of this hit is a bit odd, though. There’s something “off" about the Garnet Group in all of this, but I just can’t put my finger on it yet.
In what appears to be a growing pattern of non-standard operational behaviors, the Payday gang unexpectedly hit the Brooklyn branch of the Harvest-Trustee bank on December 21, 2017. The specifics of this robbery are puzzling, as the Payday gang did not abscond with the bulk of the money in the bank, instead breaking open the floor of the vault to, it is suspected, recover some other item of unknown nature and value. The fact that the heist was carried out so close to the incident in Los Angeles may be coincidental, but the Payday gang is not known for spreading itself thinly across the country. Coordination with the Los Angeles branch on the matter has so far yielded very little.
Notes: Bank foundation poured early 20th c. Object must have been there a long time. No records of item in vault floor or other anomalies in building plans. Why change in focus? Possible connection to assault in D.C.?
There has been a growing concern as to the security surrounding the Payday Task Force, and this incident is proof. Someone has managed to infiltrate our office and break into the evidence storage areas, taking with them some of the items seized in the raid on Congressman Simmons’ offices. While it is highly suspect that the connection is not mere coincidence, there has not yet been established a provable connection that would implicate the direct involvement of Mr. Simmons, who has since been released without prosecution pending. The involvement of the Payday gang has not been reliably established, but is highly suspect. Past links to the gang and Mr. Simmons have been investigated, but without firm results. In addition, our security experts have detected hacking attempts in our computer system from another, as yet unidentified, source. It is possible that the evidence we received regarding Mr. Simmons came from a corrupt party, with the intent of disrupting our operations, or to create a distraction to benefit the Payday gang in light of the disappearance of their leader, Bain.
Notes: N/A
We have been asked to investigate an incident involving government contractor Murkywater. Their facility at Henry’s Rock, where several top secret projects are being undertaken on behalf of the United States military, is suspected of being unexpectedly hit by the Payday gang. It is believed at this time that they were after technology from a past project, as the warehouse database systems were infiltrated during the heist. FBI Special Agent Brian Painter was dispatched to the facility in order to interview their Facility Chief. According to Murkywater, their internal operatives were successful in stopping the Payday gang from achieving their goal. The Facility Chief of Operations has also assured us that security will be improved to prevent any future incidents of this nature.
Notes: This report has been corrected from an earlier copy that contained several clerical errors due to miscommunication between departments.
The Boston PD has sent us a report about an incident apparently involving the Payday crew during an unlisted auction of recently discovered antiques from the Shacklethorne Expedition shipwreck. It is not clear how this event is connected to the other incidents surrounding the Clowns at this time.
Notes: Even if they were of substantial value, the monetary gain in comparison to the difficulty of fencing the objects would not make sense. If they needed money, they would be looking for a juicier target.
We have received a report by locals of suspected gunfire in an old abandoned prison owned by Murkywater on the west coast. Eyewitness reports report several helicopters in the area. However, none of this has been confirmed by local authorities, which makes further investigation difficult.
Notes: Not sure what to make of this. Murkywater has a lot of facilities they don’t openly admit to owning. Did this involve Bain somehow?
The Payday gang attempted to use the world crisis as an opportunity to enter and steal something from the White House. The audacity of their actions is remarkable, even for the Payday gang. It was also to be their downfall. Working with well-coordinated surveillance and tactics teams, the Clowns were intercepted and successfully stopped. In the brief firefight that ensued, all present members of the gang were killed. Payday mastermind “Bain", in a break from his usual M.O., is confirmed to have taken part in the operation and his body has been identified as one of those dead. Subsequent arrests were made to bring in the rest of the gang, effectively ending their reign of crime.
Notes: Those damn Murkies almost ruined this one with their clumsiness. Maybe it’s time to retire.
Type | Special |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 120 |
Damage | 700 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 84 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 63 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 35 |
Total Ammo | 105 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 560.7 |
Damage | 97 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 13 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 705.9 |
Damage | 66 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 72 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 23 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 24 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 28 |
Total Ammo | 168 |
Rate of Fire | 666.7 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 210 |
Rate of Fire | 1100.9 |
Damage | 25 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 280 |
Rate of Fire | 895.5 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 175 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 100 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 80 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 100 |
Total Ammo | 230 |
Rate of Fire | 722.9 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 34 |
Total Ammo | 170 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 666.7 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 32 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 270 |
Rate of Fire | 952.4 |
Damage | 50 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 280 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 80 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 24 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 110 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 100 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 34 |
Total Ammo | 170 |
Rate of Fire | 666.7 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 38 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 240 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 130 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 34 |
Total Ammo | 81.6 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 100 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 333.3 |
Damage | 42 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 13 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 28 |
Total Ammo | 168 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 4 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 64 |
Total Ammo | 224 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 120 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 26 |
Total Ammo | 104 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 64 |
Total Ammo | 224 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 57 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 16 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 80 |
Stability | 40 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 85 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 100 |
Total Ammo | 250 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 56 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 821.9 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 38 |
Total Ammo | 114 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 80 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 64 |
Total Ammo | 288 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 50 |
Total Ammo | 275 |
Rate of Fire | 1100.9 |
Damage | 60 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 56 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 80 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 26 |
Total Ammo | 156 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 50 |
Total Ammo | 225 |
Rate of Fire | 681.8 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 16 |
Total Ammo | 64 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 48 |
Total Ammo | 168 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 24 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 280 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 200 |
Rate of Fire | 952.4 |
Damage | 70 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 23 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 200 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 35 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 56 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 80 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 128 |
Total Ammo | 180.5 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 80 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 697.7 |
Damage | 90 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 272.7 |
Damage | 50 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 15 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 24 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 361.4 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 128 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 40 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 34 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 14 |
Rate of Fire | 40 |
Damage | 1050 |
Accuracy | 88 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 26 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 220 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 45 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 857.1 |
Damage | 94 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 17 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 50 |
Rate of Fire | 120 |
Damage | 196 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 20 |
Concealment | 19 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 100 |
Total Ammo | 200 |
Rate of Fire | 666.7 |
Damage | 70 |
Accuracy | 24 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 14 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 28 |
Rate of Fire | 80 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 150 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 722.9 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 8 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Akimbo |
Magazine | 16 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 333.3 |
Damage | 18 |
Accuracy | 12 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 150 |
Total Ammo | 450 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 150 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 68 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 9 |
Threat | 34 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 62 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 33 |
Total Ammo | 66 |
Rate of Fire | 705.9 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 51 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 714.3 |
Damage | 52 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 56 |
Concealment | 22 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 2000 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 19 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 100 |
Rate of Fire | 612.2 |
Damage | 98 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 8 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 35 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 2000 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 100 |
Rate of Fire | 697.7 |
Damage | 98 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 900 |
Total Ammo | 1800 |
Rate of Fire | 2000 |
Damage | 7 |
Accuracy | 0 |
Stability | 0 |
Concealment | 7 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 35 |
Total Ammo | 175 |
Rate of Fire | 845.1 |
Damage | 67 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 15 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 100 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 12 |
Threat | 26 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 6 |
Rate of Fire | 30 |
Damage | 1300 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 560.7 |
Damage | 97 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 11 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 120 |
Total Ammo | 540 |
Rate of Fire | 2000 |
Damage | 40 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 8 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 35 |
Rate of Fire | 20.7 |
Damage | 2000 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 70 |
Rate of Fire | 333.3 |
Damage | 42 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 13 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 2 |
Total Ammo | 28 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 705.9 |
Damage | 54 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 19 |
Threat | 13 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 80 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 12 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 697.7 |
Damage | 88 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 8 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 200 |
Total Ammo | 400 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 200 |
Total Ammo | 400 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 115 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 20 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 50 |
Rate of Fire | 40 |
Damage | 750 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 612.2 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 8 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 857.1 |
Damage | 78 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 17 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 800 |
Damage | 62 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 200 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 550.5 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 20 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 34 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 64 |
Rate of Fire | 428.6 |
Damage | 55 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 12 |
Threat | 26 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 70 |
Rate of Fire | 705.9 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 8 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 2 |
Total Ammo | 32 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 7 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 42 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 110 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 19 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 6 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 150 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 23 |
Accuracy | 8 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 12 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 1300 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 50 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 1000 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 6 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 66 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 55 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 14 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 722.9 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 75 |
Damage | 246 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 30 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 246 |
Accuracy | 88 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 26 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 14 |
Total Ammo | 42 |
Rate of Fire | 104.3 |
Damage | 90 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 22 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 42 |
Rate of Fire | 104.3 |
Damage | 90 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 11 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 35 |
Rate of Fire | 120 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 17 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 45 |
Rate of Fire | 85.7 |
Damage | 246 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 20 |
Concealment | 12 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 90 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 800 |
Damage | 60 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 100 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 8 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Light Machine Gun |
Magazine | 60 |
Total Ammo | 180 |
Rate of Fire | 666.7 |
Damage | 110 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 19 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 42 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 9 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 15 |
Rate of Fire | 48 |
Damage | 3500 |
Accuracy | 92 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 1 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 40 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 857.1 |
Damage | 59 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Assault Rifle |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 220 |
Rate of Fire | 895.5 |
Damage | 50 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 0 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 28 |
Total Ammo | 56 |
Rate of Fire | 272.7 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 6 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 750 |
Total Ammo | 750 |
Rate of Fire | 3000 |
Damage | 25 |
Accuracy | 32 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 750 |
Total Ammo | 750 |
Rate of Fire | 2000 |
Damage | 35 |
Accuracy | 32 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 31 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 45 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 72 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 23 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 10 |
Rate of Fire | 35.3 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 15 |
Rate of Fire | 80 |
Damage | 480 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 35 |
Rate of Fire | 270.3 |
Damage | 110 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 40 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 3 |
Total Ammo | 9 |
Rate of Fire | 181.8 |
Damage | 360 |
Accuracy | 36 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 14 |
Total Ammo | 154 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 195 |
Rate of Fire | 1100.9 |
Damage | 25 |
Accuracy | 40 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 220 |
Rate of Fire | 895.5 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 54 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 175 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 80 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 54 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 4 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 50 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 722.9 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 17 |
Total Ammo | 153 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 4 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 16 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 3 |
Total Ammo | 6 |
Rate of Fire | 50 |
Damage | 960 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 2 |
Total Ammo | 44 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 10 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 210 |
Rate of Fire | 952.4 |
Damage | 50 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 220 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 6 |
Rate of Fire | 30 |
Damage | 1300 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 84 |
Concealment | 22 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 210 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 80 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 6 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 4 |
Total Ammo | 8 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 6200 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 110 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 17 |
Total Ammo | 153 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 38 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 66 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 130 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 17 |
Total Ammo | 68 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 100 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 54 |
Rate of Fire | 333.3 |
Damage | 42 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 13 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 14 |
Total Ammo | 154 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 4 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 104 |
Rate of Fire | 300 |
Damage | 18 |
Accuracy | 12 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 7 |
Total Ammo | 28 |
Rate of Fire | 104.3 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 22 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 32 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 15 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 4 |
Rate of Fire | 30 |
Damage | 12500 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 5 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 13 |
Total Ammo | 91 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 32 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 57 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 56 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 80 |
Stability | 40 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 85 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 28 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 50 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 56 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 90 |
Rate of Fire | 821.9 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 60 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 19 |
Total Ammo | 95 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 42 |
Rate of Fire | 160 |
Damage | 90 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 23 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 700 |
Total Ammo | 1400 |
Rate of Fire | 2000 |
Damage | 7 |
Accuracy | 0 |
Stability | 0 |
Concealment | 15 |
Threat | 37 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 1000 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 48 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 27 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 54 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 32 |
Total Ammo | 224 |
Rate of Fire | 1200 |
Damage | 44 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 25 |
Total Ammo | 175 |
Rate of Fire | 1099.9 |
Damage | 60 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 56 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 13 |
Total Ammo | 156 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 53 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 48 |
Concealment | 30 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 10 |
Total Ammo | 20 |
Rate of Fire | 150 |
Damage | 160 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 8 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 26 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 150 |
Total Ammo | 300 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 23 |
Accuracy | 8 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 16 |
Threat | 24 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 8 |
Total Ammo | 56 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 180 |
Accuracy | 76 |
Stability | 24 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 25 |
Total Ammo | 150 |
Rate of Fire | 681.8 |
Damage | 65 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Stability | 64 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 14 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 24 |
Total Ammo | 96 |
Rate of Fire | 545.5 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 76 |
Concealment | 20 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 6 |
Total Ammo | 36 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 230 |
Accuracy | 84 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Special |
Magazine | 1 |
Total Ammo | 25 |
Rate of Fire | 50 |
Damage | 350 |
Accuracy | 96 |
Stability | 96 |
Concealment | 26 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Sniper Rifle |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 20 |
Rate of Fire | 60 |
Damage | 246 |
Accuracy | 72 |
Stability | 12 |
Concealment | 18 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 40 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 210 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 20 |
Concealment | 25 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 84 |
Rate of Fire | 480 |
Damage | 80 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 52 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 200 |
Rate of Fire | 750 |
Damage | 58 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 140 |
Rate of Fire | 952.4 |
Damage | 70 |
Accuracy | 64 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 23 |
Threat | 8 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 72 |
Rate of Fire | 428.6 |
Damage | 42 |
Accuracy | 28 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 21 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 20 |
Total Ammo | 160 |
Rate of Fire | 909.1 |
Damage | 35 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 56 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 80 |
Rate of Fire | 600 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 44 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 64 |
Total Ammo | 128 |
Rate of Fire | 652.2 |
Damage | 99 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 60 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 10 |
Type | Shotgun |
Magazine | 5 |
Total Ammo | 35 |
Rate of Fire | 500 |
Damage | 155 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 28 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 28 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 40 |
Total Ammo | 120 |
Rate of Fire | 697.7 |
Damage | 90 |
Accuracy | 52 |
Stability | 68 |
Concealment | 24 |
Threat | 12 |
Type | SMG |
Magazine | 30 |
Total Ammo | 240 |
Rate of Fire | 1333.3 |
Damage | 40 |
Accuracy | 56 |
Stability | 36 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 22 |
Type | Pistol |
Magazine | 12 |
Total Ammo | 60 |
Rate of Fire | 400 |
Damage | 120 |
Accuracy | 68 |
Stability | 32 |
Concealment | 29 |
Threat | 9 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 26 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 20 (80) |
Knockdown | 20 (32) |
Charge Time | 1.5s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 26 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 160 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 175 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 20 (20) |
Knockdown | 20 (20) |
Charge Time | 3.5s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 40 (250) |
Knockdown | 40 (250) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 26 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 26 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 175 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 195 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 20 (20) |
Knockdown | 20 (20) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 1s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 3.5s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 25 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 26 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 250 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (55) |
Knockdown | 90 (110) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 1.5s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 175 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 29 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 20 (40) |
Knockdown | 200 (400) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 28 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 175 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 70 (450) |
Knockdown | 70 (450) |
Charge Time | 4s |
Range | 275 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 200 |
Concealment | 27 |
Damage | 30 (30) |
Knockdown | 30 (30) |
Charge Time | 0s |
Range | 150 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (80) |
Knockdown | 30 (80) |
Charge Time | 2s |
Range | 185 |
Concealment | 30 |
Damage | 30 (90) |
Knockdown | 150 (270) |
Charge Time | 3s |
Range | 225 |
Concealment | 27 |
Modified playing cards, with razor-sharp steel edges. |
A throwable explosive that will stick to enemies and surfaces. |
Non-lethal grenade, designed to blind and disorientate. |
Created by Swedish Engineer Alfred Nobel. |
Commonly used by the US Military. |
A small gas dispenser that temporarily enhances the body's senses and provides a healing effect. |
Similar to the Frag Grenade, and just as destructive. |
On detonation, explodes, setting everything on fire within a short radius. |
Hypodermic needle injector, likely used to inject stimulants into the user's system. |
Used for both hunting and sport. |
Activating the Leech ability requires you to break a small glass ampule under your nose and take a deep breath. You’re not quite sure what’s in it, but it makes the world come into focus, and causes your adrenaline to spike. One thing is certain; it sure as shit isn’t smelling salts. |
Used often in Russian criminal circles, these disguised grenades have found their way to the USA. |
Improvised incendiary weapon, commonly used by criminals, protestors and rioters. |
A small device for intercepting and overriding nearby encrypted signals. |
Dunk them in water, toss them in the freezer and then you got a deadly throwing weapon. Simple. |
Lethal traditonal Japanese concealed weapon, coated in poison. |
Emits heavy smoke, making it difficult to see and shoot perpetrators. |
A popular thrown weapon amongst biker gangs. |
The sharpest thrown projectile on the black market. |
Generates a small explosion while emitting a cloud of poisonous gas. |
Shrapnel is all well and good, but some things need to be fried, and this little beauty is a rather practical beast for dishing out some damage with high voltage. |
There are weapons that are known to either be in the possession of the PAYDAY gang or have been used by them, and these weapons have some significance either to the gang itself or someone else well known in the criminal underworld. Such weaponry often has a long history or significance to one or more persons. Often coveted by many criminals, these weapons are often known as 'Legendary' due to their status and rarity.
Kobus 90 Submachine Gun
"The Jester Warrant was never too concerned with not leaving a trace, considering her weapon had a head of a meat hammer mounted in the front. Her identity was kept secret until her untimely end mostly because there was too much trouble just identifying her victims."
Source: Crimepedia
The Judge Shotgun
"Tecci is a notorious gunsmith that travels to wherever the money is. He's a veteran and knows everything there is to know about weapons. Anarcho is a classic Tecci creation that's in high demand due to it's very limited edition. Nobody knows Tecci's real name or origin, and nobody asks - because if you do, he'll bring down some serious Taekwondo on everything you hold dear."
Source: Anonymous comment on the thread 'I've heard the name "Tecci" and this gun mentioned in the same sentence in Melbourne. Anyone know who he is?' on the /crime/ board on darkchan.orion
Breaker 12G Shotgun
"The Apex is a gift to Rust from his compadre - The Mechanic. Rust would often run out of shotgun shells and just beat the living crap out of people. So his beloved bringer of death - the Breaker shotgun - got some neat modifications. Thusly creating the Apex. In this way, the amount of shotgun shells isn’t an issue."
Source: 'Scott Sagano', OVERKILL MC member during his interview in Police custody, who was arrested near the OVERKILL MC clubhouse after the clowns attacked it
Crosskill Pistol
"This pistol decorated with gold and mother-of-pearl may never have seen an actual front line. It was not carried by some lowly private but rather a decorated general with more paper cuts than battle wounds as he schemed over maps and surveillance photos."
It may have been many years since it was crafted by a true artisan gunsmith. Handed from father to son in a lineage of pressed uniforms and polished brass, until it finally found its proper purpose, bringing chaos and carnage. It was found in a collection of treasures and other spoils of war. This pistol finally saw some real action, not in the hands of war heroes at the brink of history but criminals who can truly appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted firearm.
In the heat of urban battles for the riches and glory of the American underworld it earned its nickname the “BTO" or “Big Time Operator". Everyone that wielded this pistol could not help but to show it off in every possible firefight. Preferably at point blank range with a bullet in the chamber eager to claim another victim.
Source: Crimepedia
Gruber Kurz
"The famous robber Aldo d’Oro was obsessed with gold and specialized in various types of gold heists. He spent a long career looting bank vaults, robbing armored cars and breaking into private homes in search of that glorious golden metal.
In the end he was caught as he spontaneously tried and failed to pickpocket a gold watch from an elderly lady just outside a police station.
He spent 20 years in prison, and as he got out, his old associates presented him with an ornate gun with gold inlays. He proceeded to pawn it at the nearest pawn shop, swearing to never touch gold again."
Source: Crimepedia
Locomotive Shotgun
"Sometimes, a gun is not just a gun. It holds a spirit inside. As the wielder grabs it, a feeling of power courses through their veins, infusing them with a desire for destruction. Then hell is unleashed. This is what we call the Demon."
Source: Jeremy Logan - The Fire and The Thief, Chapter 4
Platypus 70 Sniper Rifle
"Assassins sometimes leave behind a calling card on their victims and if you're smart enough only the people you want to know will know. The Rancher never got that last part and was found because of the bullets that he used. They had all been licked beforehand by his pet goat, Becky. He was a bit too fond of to not go unnoticed in the hitman community."
Source: Anonymous comment on the thread 'How did the legendary hitman "The Rancher" get caught?' on the /crime/ board on darkchan.orion
Flamethrower Mk.1
"The Dragon Lord became famous during the so-called Tang Rebellion in 1976, when General Tang, an opium baron, summoned his rivals to a warehouse in Taipei, and proceeded to incinerate them (and much of Taipei)."
General Tang's love affair with fire began in 1969 when he was merely Lieutenant Tang of the Chinese PLA. Operating as "observer and advisor" in North Vietnam, he was supervising the movement of a regiment of NVA, near the Cambodian border at Bu Prang. Without warning, a flight of F4 Phantoms swooped from the clouds, dropping canisters of napalm. In moments, the forest below, from horizon to horizon and ground to sky, was a boiling inferno.
Tang disappeared. He was regarded as KIA at Bu Prang, and it might have been better for the world if he had. However, in fact, Tang survived and came to prominence in Taipei. His time in Vietnam had brought him into contact with many opium producers, and his organizational skills were perfect for creating South-East Asia’s biggest drug-smuggling ring - the Dragon Lords. The success of his operation was one thing, but his real notoriety came from his method of dealing with his enemies. Tang would have them burnt at the stake, while he sat and watched and ate. He called himself The General.
In 1976, during the hottest, driest October on record, Taipei’s rival gangs united against the Dragon Lords’ dominance. Hundreds died in an orgy of violence that lasted weeks. Tang finally called for a truce. He invited all of the other crime lords to a surrender negotiation, held at his warehouse on the docks.
The rival crime lords arrived, and the negotiations began. Tang let them speak for a long time, and as the insults flew across the table, he simply sat and smiled and nodded.
"The Dragon Lords will never survive ", one of his rivals bragged.
Without a word, General Tang rose, went to an open crate, and pulled out a beautiful, ornately decorated flame-thrower.
"Dragon Lord is the only survivor", he said, and pulled the trigger.
In the dry, hot weather the flames quickly leaped from warehouse to warehouse, and in moments the docks were engulfed. It was two days before the fires were brought under control, and, right at the very heart of the gutted buildings and charred corpses, was this - a beautiful, pristine flamethrower.
As the General promised, the Dragon Lord was the sole survivor.
Source: Crimepedia
Amaroq 900 Sniper Rifle
"200 drills could never pierce its secrets."
Source: Booth, Arms Dealer
Crosskill Guard Pistol
"This weapon was carried by the heister known as 'Duke'. It was notable for it's golden appearance, and there is engraved lettering on the slide, reading 'Kneel before The Duke'."
Source: Police Report
"This is the gun once used by the legendary Mexican bank robber El Toro Furioso, famous for his daring one-man heists."
The legendary bank robber known as El Toro Furioso, the furious bull, started his career by robbing banks in northwestern Mexico. He soon developed a reputation for lightning bank heists executed all on his own. His red hat and special customized Bronco .44 became his signatures, and everyone in Sonora knew of the furious red bull.
Eventually he crossed the border into the United States, where his reputation already preceded him. He built a legend in the states of Arizona and New Mexico, always evading the law, sometimes by a mere hair’s width due to his audacious tactics.
But as so many of the outlaws before him in these territories of wild west fame, his career ultimately came to a bloody end.
El Toro Furioso was hunted down after a failed train robbery, and cornered in a back alley. As they told him to raise his hands and surrender, he bowed with a flourish, then whipped his gun out and opened fire. He went down in a hail of bullets, the ground stained red with his blood, surrounded by swarming cops, like a bull in the ring.
Soon after El Toro’s death, his famous gun disappeared from the evidence storage. People have speculated about whether it was a corrupt cop who sold it to a collector, or if it was one of El Toro’s admirers who broke in and stole it. Either way, this famous outlaw’s weapon is now at large, and who knows, maybe it’s keeping his memory alive today by being used in new bank heists?
Source: Crimepedia
Signature .40 Pistol
"During the Gulf War, there was an Iraqi sniper that boasted of being able to land any shot, day or night. But the sniper’s vanity betrayed him, as the polished gold ornaments on his rifle gave his position away in the moonlight, leading to his death. The Allied sergeant that killed him took the rifle and had the gold infused into his personal sidearm."
Source: Weaponpedia
HRL-7 Rocket Launcher
"Manuel Lopez was a successful druglord, who ran his operation out of Barranquillo docks. He loved the ocean, and especially loved killing it. Lopez would hunt sharks from his helicopter with this – the Green Grin."
Source: Anonymous reply to the question 'Could anyone identify where this strange looking RPG comes from?' on the /k/ board on wargchan.org
"Found in a warehouse in Berlin, this designed Mark-10 bares the mark of the notorious bounty hunter called the “Headhunter". The true identity is unknown and the Headhunter hasn’t been heard from for nine years. But for two whole decades this murderous killer roamed the world - executing both contracts and people without regret."
Source: Crimepedia
Ksp 58 Light Machine Gun
"Known to have been wielded by 'Wolf' of the PAYDAY gang. Likely crafted by himself, due to the decals and paint-work."
Source: Police Reports
OVE9000 Saw
"This OVE9000 Saw has a bizarre and bloody history, having once belonged to a legendary gambler who was undone by his own vanity and thirst for vengeance."
In Las Vegas in the 1990s, there lived a man named Tim “Sly" Evans. He was one of the most notorious gamblers and cheaters in the city, making the rounds of the casinos and preying on holiday makers and newlyweds alike.
Evans built up a small fortune over the years, but eventually his luck would turn, as he ran into an even bigger fish. He got into a gambling scam in collaboration with Ron “The Jackal" Roberts, but in the end Evans himself was the one to get had, as Roberts scammed him out of every dime of his ill-gotten wealth.
In a rage and obsessed with revenge, Evans had a special and elaborately decorated saw fashioned in order to give Roberts “an appropriate and deserved end". He then used the saw to break into Roberts’ apartment, murder him and mutilate the corpse.
Vanity would be the undoing of Evans, however, as he had grown too fond of the murder weapon and kept it rather than disposing of it. The police caught him and tied him to the murder, and he was sentenced and executed for his crime. The unusual saw itself was confiscated and placed in police storage, where it was kept for many years until it was recently stolen.
Source: Crimepedia
Little Friend 7.62 Assault Rifle
"A specially commissioned version of the Little Friend assault rifle, this priceless and unique piece disappeared from the Arlington Museum of Firearms in late 2016."
Friends of the eccentric billionaire and arms collector Randy Carter had this special version of the Little Friend assault rifle commissioned for his 60th birthday. It was Carter’s most loved possession, and he would take it out and show it off at the many parties he held at his mansion.
Upon Carter’s death his entire collection was bequeathed to the Arlington Museum of Firearms, where this gun was admired for several years before suddenly disappearing in late 2016.
The police have no leads on the theft, but are assuming that another collector was behind it.
Source: Crimepedia
Bootleg Rifle
"A weapon of war and vengeance, this rifle is the perfect tool for hurting those who’ve hurt you. And for striking first and striking hard at others who would."
A photo of this rifle was found attached to a note with a short poem handwritten in what looks like dark red ink:
Offer your sacrifice
For war
And vengeance
Let the blood be spilled
That you may show unto all
Your ire
And that they may learn
Not to stand in the way
Of your designs
In the end
You shall stand victorious
For Mars Ultor walks beside you
Source: Found at a recent crime scene, suspected to have been perpetrated by the PAYDAY gang
Deagle Pistol
"A hand-crafted Deagle built as testament to the finest gaming-trained crackshot in the world."
The legend of "Midas Touch" begins in the arcades off the Santa Cruz boardwalk, on a rainy Monday morning. It begins with 15-year-old Adam Goodwin, feeding a single quarter to the light gun game, "Narco Cop", and then embarking on an epic gaming streak that drew huge crowds, a news crew and, finally, a truant officer. The truant officer might have pulled the plug on Adam's streak, but the story was out - and the legend had begun. Sponsorship from the game developer led to appearances at State Fairs, which brought him to the attention of the famous 'Bill "Buckin' Bronco" traveling rodeo. Adam joined with Bill, and, being a natural showman quickly became his star attraction. The highlight of his act was the 'Four Georges' - keeping four quarters in the air and then letting them fall, faces up. As a reward for bringing in huge crowds, Bill had a very special pistol fashioned for Adam - a hand-crafted gold-plated Deagle, embossed with pixel art and golden coins, to remind the young man of that fateful Monday morning, in a Santa Cruz arcade. It was called the "Midas Touch".
However, as we now know, the "Buckin' Bronco" rodeo was more than a traveling show. it was a front for a criminal gang. The roster of performers - the stunt car drivers, the acrobats, the knife-throwers - were really part of this crew. Naturally, Goodwin was drafted in to join them, earning the nickname "Eyeball". He took part in armed heists all across the country and grew infamous for his ability to shoot guns out of the hands of cops, never even scratching them. "Just kill them," Bill urged, but this wasn't Goodwin's style. He was a showman - he liked to show off. This was ultimately to be the undoing of the crew. Such uncommon ability was impossible to hide. Gradually, the task force assigned to tracking down the gang put the pieces together - the near-supernatural accuracy of the man with the "Midas Touch" could only be one person. The gang were quickly apprehended during a show outside Florence, Oregon. Though it was a perfect operation for the police, with the gang taken into custody and no casualties suffered, the "Midas Touch" was never recovered.
Adam "Eyeball" Goodwin is now serving a 30-year sentence at San Quentin. When this interviewer asked Goodwin about the fate of his famous, signature pistol, he just smiled and said, "I knew the Feds were closing in. And... a horse needs to run. A game needs to be played. And a gun needs to shoot."
Source: Crimepedia
Akimbo Castigo .44
"These elaborately decorated guns have a bloody history in the Mexican crime wars."
Pablo “El Gato", a master gunsmith in Sonora, spent months working on these custom Castigo .44’s on commission from one of the local cartel bosses. He was no friend of crime but he would have been killed had he declined the commission. El Gato worked hard on the elaborate decorations, but only one week before they were ready for delivery, the cartel boss was assassinated.
El Gato had not been paid for the commission, so he offered the guns for sale in his store window. But no one could afford to buy them, and as the months passed, word spread of the expensive and unused guns. Then one day a retired policeman came by. He told El Gato that he would kill every one of the local crime bosses and clean the city of crime if he was given the guns as a reward afterwards. El Gato, not being able to sell the guns, agreed and told the man to come back when the deed was done.
Over the next few weeks, the bosses went down one after one. After the last one had been killed, the man came back and claimed his reward. El Gato was happy to hand the guns over. The man took them and then drove straight out of town. El Gato never saw him again.
Source: Crimepedia
Kobus 90
"Oil spills are dangerous and deadly. Not the kinds in the oceans or on the workshop floor. Here we are talking about the small-caliber kind that tears your foes to shreds."
Since the first drop bubbled from the ground, oil has been the cause of almost every war. And no oil wars were as fierce as those in Iraq. Oil Spill was the weapon used by the best and most fierce warrior in the region.
It was lost during a battle in the early 2000's, in the ruins of Basra. The weapon later resurfaced on the underground weapon market and has since traded hands many times, sometimes for a large sum of money and sometimes over spilled blood.
Oil Spill’s lust for violence made it feared by anyone who found themselves in front of its barrel.
Source: Crimepedia
M308 Rifle
"Some of us are survivors. Tough tasks in tough environments do not break us. Used but not discarded, and kept around for company. Then nearly forgotten and left to the fire, but rescued at the last moment. Finally returned to that place of honor we so richly deserve."
Source: Jezebel Taimalie - The Fire and The Thief, Chapter 7
Eagle Heavy Rifle
"This Eagle Heavy Rifle was customized for an elite mercenary bodyguard. It has provided unrivaled security for many summits of world leaders."
When world leaders meet to discuss critical issues of war and peace, there are times where the regular army can provide cover for the summits, and there are times when the secrecy of the proceedings require protection meeting higher standards.
The latter case is where various shadow armies and mercenaries offer their services. The demands of professionalism, impartiality, and ability to keep quiet are exceptionally high, and so only a very select few operatives will make the shortlist for this type of assignment.
One such operative had this custom Eagle Heavy Rifle made in order to provide maximum firepower and accuracy for these sensitive missions. It has provided security for many summits of world leaders over the years.
Source: Weaponpedia
Akimbo Crosskill Pistols
"He knows where you are sleeping, he knows when you're asleep.
He penetrates the perimeter through the chimney, like a fucking creep.
Be ready for his wrath, your presents undeserved.
It's too late, he opened fire, your screams will not be heard."
Source: Anonymous reply on the /k/ board after a photo of the weapons was posted on wargchan.org
Raven Shotgun
"Once owned by a wealthy naval officer but squandered by his errant offspring, this beautiful and expensive shotgun finally found its way to the criminal underworld, where it shall finally fulfill its destiny of death and destruction."
The Admiral once belonged to a high-ranking admiral in the US Navy. A wealthy man, he had the gun made on special order to use as his personal service weapon. A hard leader and a hard man, he always said he hoped he’d get to use it in combat one day, but the gun never saw action in his lifetime.
On his death, the weapon was inherited by his son, a notorious freeloader and gambler. Unable to hold on to money, he ended up pawning this priceless heirloom to square his debts. That’s how the gun ended up on the black market, and soon it found its way into the hands of criminals.
Its noble heritage now corrupted by crime, the Admiral has finally seen real combat and tasted blood - though not in the circumstances envisioned by its first owner.
Source: Prof. Jerry F. Kensington, Criminologist
Vulcan Minigun
"The steel in The Gimp has been re-cycled from weapons used in battle in Desert Storm, the Falklands, Operation Market Garden, the Somme and the Boer war."
Source: Crimepedia
Kross Vertex
"The future. Never what "they" promised us is it? Well, that doesn't mean it can't be cool. Or stylish. Somewhere in the USA, hidden from sight, a company is working on the next evolutionary stage of weaponry. It may not be a flying car, but this is a nice piece of hardware nevertheless."
Source: Weaponpedia
AK Rifle
"A special-issue AK that - in war and crime - has demonstrated an unquenchable thirst for blood."
It might have rolled off an assembly line in Izhevsk with hundreds of thousands of other AK's, but there was always something different about the weapon with serial number #136176186.
It was first issued to Private Anton Ruslan, who was later court-martialed for killing two members of his squad. At his hearing, Ruslan - an exemplary cadet - claimed the gun "just went off".
Next, it saw action in the Battle of Grozny. Sgt Zaytsev, armed only with his standard issue AK #136176186, single-handedly fought off an ambush and saved the lives of his entire unit. The image of his silhouette holding the AK high, backlit by flames, became iconic, and Zaytsev was ordained as a Hero of the Russian Federation. A fierce patriot, he had the St Basil towers painted on the heat shield, and gave his beloved rifle a name - "Rodina". The only blemish on Zaytsev's record came when he lost "Rodina" on a train at Rostov. Despite being secured in a locked case, "Rodina", Zaytsev claimed, seemed to simply disappear.
Shortly after, "Rodina" found its way into the hands of a Russian mob, running cigarettes and booze between Rostov and Donetsk. Though known to the police as a minor outfit, not particularly ambitious, this mob began to grow. It expanded with extreme aggression, got involved in drugs and murder, and, quickly, the mobs around it began turning up dead. The limited video footage supported the notion that most of the deaths were due to a single army-issue AK. It's wielder, who had been believed to be a low-ranking enforcer, began to climb the ranks. But don't think of climbing a ladder - rather, he climbed a mound of bodies. This ambitious thug was later identified as Vladislav Kozak.
When Vlad turned his operations to America, it seems that "Rodina" went with him. When asked about the rifle, Vlad is said to have replied, "Nothing has a taste for blood like my little Rodina."
Source: 'Oleksandr Marchenko', owner of the blog 'Untold War Stories of Eastern Europe'
Name | Number |
Primary Weapons | 135 |
Secondary Weapons | 78 |
Melee Weapons | 89 |
Masks | 578 |
Outfits | 216 |
Gloves | 76 |
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If this one isn’t actually the leader, he’s definitely the trusted lieutenant. Dallas is one of the original four that emerged in 2011. He appears to be the Mastermind of the gang, and his calm demeanor under fire suggests both great experience and cunning intelligence.
Security footage notes his hair is greying, possibly indicating he is one of the oldest members of the gang.
His smiling clown mask with the American pattern has become the face for the Payday gang.
We believe that this gangmember was using the alias of “Hoxton" until the break-out of James Hoxworth. Since then, according to security footage, he has adopted the alias “Houston". He was present at the break-out of “Hoxton" and that, and subsequently acquired security footage, seems to hint at a level of animosity between the two men.
Observations of “Houston" indicate that he may favor fulfilling the Ghost role. This could indicate training in infiltration and espionage, and may provide further leads to his identity.
For his affinity for explosives and capability with hardware, we consider this one to be the Technician in the group. Further study by our profiling teams in Behavioral Analysis suggest that “Wolf" could be psychotic, as evidenced by his sudden shifts of mood.
From the few corroborated accounts we have, “Wolf" does not appear to be a US national. His voice carries a distinct Scandinavian accent, suggesting he is Norwegian or Swedish.
We regard this one as the Enforcer in the gang. He tends to bring the biggest gun and a lot of ammo to feed it. Breaking down his movement, style and technique, it is obvious that “Chains" is ex-military. It is likely he was special forces, and, based on overheard conversation, possibly even a former Navy SEAL.
“Chains" appears to have a daredevil personality, and a strong conviction that he cannot be hurt or killed.
Recently, we know that “Chains" was taking refuge in a Swedish safe house. It was believed that he had been killed when Swedish police raided the safe house, but “Chains" has since resurfaced in Washington.
The second foreign national in the original crew. “Hoxton" is the only member of the Payday gang for whom we have a confirmed name - James Hoxworth. Born in the city of Sheffield, England, “Hoxton" is well known to both the FBI and Scotland Yard. Extremely cunning, “Hoxton" is one of the most experienced members of the crew, and his rap sheet reads like an encyclopedia of modern crime.
“Hoxton" was recently incarcerated at Hazelton Prison, but was freed by the Payday gang while he was being taken to a parole hearing. We are sure he will be very difficult to apprehend again.
According to field reports, the other members of the gang call this one “Clover". Another foreign national, we believe Irish, so possibly a connection to “Hoxton". She was the first to join the crew when it began to expand, and our initial sighting of her was during the Diamond heist at the McKendrick Museum.
“Clover" favors the L-95 assault rifle, which is only issued to the British military. We are currently liaising with the Garda Síochána, checking into Irish paramilitary groups, and any instances of stolen weapons.
Judging by the emblem on the mask and the curses this man frequently utters, our conclusion is that he is Croatian. Our analysts indicate he has a good knowledge of police procedure, making it possible that he is a very experienced felon, but more likely a former undercover cop. Surveillance has captured him showing unnecessary violence to captive civilians, so we should maybe look into former Balkan cops with a history of violence.
It is likely that “Dragan" is connected to a Croatian weapon smuggler called Denisa Horvat, also known as “The Butcher". This may indicate a growing relationship between the US based crew and the European crime networks.
A true enigma. We have no intel on this guy, and his habit of communicating through an 80’s model dictaphone means we don’t even have a voice. All we really know is that he is dangerously psychotic - a sociopath. His profile is to get close and cause as much traumatic damage as possible with high damage melee weapons.
It is possible that “Jacket" is related to a series of slaughters that took place in Miami, Florida, where authorities are still looking for a masked psychopath communicating through a tape recorder.
“Bonnie" McGee was well known to the authorities even before she joined the Payday gang. Standing at 6’ 3", she is a formidable physical presence. Under investigation since the early 90’s for a string of honeymoon murders, starting with car salesman Chuck Jones. Insurance money was quickly gambled away, however. “Bonnie" was eventually incarcerated, notably sharing a cell with Juliana Morales, before having her parole and release fast-tracked.
For her involvement in the assassination of Hector Morales, it is possible that “Bonnie" will be targeted by the remaining members of the Sinaloan cartel.
A recent addition to the Payday crew, we believe youthful and energetic “Sokol" to be Russian. Since the large drill used at the Golden Grin Casino heist was constructed with several parts imported from Russia, we also believe that this apparatus was designed by “Sokol". This could indicate that, despite his young age, “Sokol" has significant experience in vault breaking, and we should consider contacting Russian authorities for information regarding similar MO’s.
Due to the few glimpses we have had of his body tattoos, this most recent member of the Payday crew is obviously a yakuza. Cross-referencing this with the fact he has not suffered amputation of a finger must mean he was an exceptional servant of the Japanese syndicates, despite obviously being the oldest member of the Payday crew.
“Jiro" routinely surprises officers by not only seem to come back from near death, but to come back stronger. His trademark weapon is a Japanese samurai sword, known as a katana. This is not a common weapon, and is very easy to identify.
Kelli King, also known as 'Sydney', is an Australian criminal well known back in Melbourne, where she wreaked havoc on the city during her days in a youth gang called the Dingos. She recently arrived in the US and made a sudden appearance during a bank robbery being executed by the PAYDAY gang. But my reports tell me the Clowns were just as surprised as the officers on the scene, and we are currently trying to find a connection between Sydney and Crime.net.
In the meantime we are interrogating her parents and have received her criminal record from the Melbourne Police Department. Everything indicates this is not a sane person we're dealing with, and that's saying a lot when it comes to the PAYDAY gang. If Sydney turns out to be another recruit for Bain, then things just got even crazier.
Tom Bishop, more commonly known as “Rust", is a seasoned biker affiliated with the OVERKILL MC, who recently seems to have joined forces with the Clowns. Rust has a long history of violence and he’s notoriously known to be a ruthless bastard. We are currently investigating what made Rust suddenly shoot up a bar and kill his biker buddies. Scott Sagano is an OVERKILL biker whom we managed to arrest during the attack on the OVERKILL clubhouse, where many of the bikers were killed by Rust and the PAYDAY gang. Sagano has willingly offered to work with law enforcement in exchange for entry into a witness protection program. According to Sagano, the OVERKILL MC recently got their hands on some type of advanced weaponry that they are planning to transport on a freight train. If that somehow ties into Bain’s sudden interest in the bikers, then we can’t miss this opportunity to make our move. If they are really bold enough to rob a moving train, I’ll be damned if we don’t make them regret it.
Judging by witness reports about his accent, “Sangres" is almost certainly of Mexican origin. He appears to be a very dangerous individual, and his style and excellent proficiency with weapons lead us to believe that he may previously have been working as a hitman for one of the Mexican drug cartels.
Through police informants south of the border we know that one of the cartels in Monterrey has an assassination contract out for one Antonio “Machetazo" Benítez Rodríguez - their best hitman who suddenly one day defected and disappeared, stealing a valuable arms shipment that was coming in for the cartel from the US. It’s possible that this defector and “Sangres" are one and the same man.
If “Sangres" and “Machetazo" Benítez Rodríguez are indeed the same person, it may be that his rapid recruitment into the Payday Gang after entering the US was facilitated by the arms smuggler known as “Gage" - this theory is based on what we know of the smuggler’s connections to the Payday Gang and his frequent dealings with the Mexican cartels. We’ve tried to pressure Gage about this matter but he just clams up, which only confirms our suspicion that he at least knows something.
Duke, or August Lindenhurst as he was known until now, has joined the Payday gang seemingly out of left field. His membership is the subject of much discussion because, while his name has appeared in FBI databases before, it has never been connected to the kind of high profile (and violent) heist-crime that is the bread and butter of the Payday gang. He’s also from a much higher social background than most of the other members, which adds to the strangeness of his addition. Some rumors suggest a past connection to Aldstone, butler to the gang's member Hoxton, but as to the nature of this connection, we can only guess at present. Duke was already fabulously wealthy before joining the gang and hails from Long Island, NY.
He is suspected of being involved in several high-profile thefts of artwork, antiques and other historical artifacts across the globe for the past two decades, even turning up in cities near prominent archaeological digs. (Duke is also rumored to have “rescued" certain artifacts from destruction by extremist insurgents in the Middle East.) The true reason for his joining the gang is currently unknown.
This couple seemingly came out of nowhere. No criminal background to speak of, no prior issues of note. Internet personalities known by the general public for their “streams" and “podcasts", occasionally defending those they deem unfairly judged. As to what skills they possess that would entice an organization such as Crime.net to employ them, we can only speculate at present, taking into account that it may draw public scrutiny.
Hila reportedly has military experience, but to what extent it will be useful to the Payday gang is unknown, even after many weeks of surveillance. There could however be some motive in reasons pertaining to their assumed skill at media manipulation. Why an outfit like the Payday gang would even seem appealing to join from the couple’s perspective, also remains a mystery.
The ranks of the Payday gang are bolstered again. With the issues they are facing in regards to their leader Bain, it appears they needed someone with superior hacking skills. Our intelligence suggests that the individual going by the name of “Joy", comes to the gang by way of Vernon Locke, perhaps head-hunted from Murkywater. Could it be that she was also behind the (rumored) attempted hacking and shutdown of Crime.net?
She is possibly the youngest member of the gang, and surveillance suggests she is an exceptionally skilled computer wizard. Behavioral specialists at the Bureau also speculate that she may be naive, with a strong ideological identity, so could perhaps be swayed to become an asset in the future, though it has proven to be exceptionally difficult getting criminals connected with Payday to flip.
He’s the leader. The man who runs Crime.net. The spider at the center of the web. We know almost nothing about this man. His name was mentioned here and there by lowlifes we would pick up - escape drivers, couriers, that kind of thing. Mainly they would drop his name in the hope of getting a plea deal but not one was able to give us anything solid. No hard evidence. A few intercepted radio snippets, but not a single image.
He works through aliases and go-betweens. Few have a direct connection to him, and those contacts are carefully vetted. We are sure that that level of security reaching him will be even tighter now, after the Morales incident.
He’s certainly smart, and his ability to hack computers and networks is astonishing. He’s connected, and can pull strings we didn’t know existed. He’s been able to convince ground commanders to release one of the Payday gang members even when they are cuffed on the ground - what kind of persuasiveness does that involve?
Difficult to say if he has an agenda beyond getting rich. The nature of his operations range from dime store knock-offs, to elaborate, well-planned heists on high security facilities. One thing is certain, though: he’s going nowhere. He’s expanding his crew, and expanding the scope of his operations beyond Washington.
The family of Denisa “The Butcher" Horvat have been in involved in weapon smuggling behind the guise of animal butchering for over 70 years. It appears her grandfather - the village butcher - discovered a huge cache of arms after a Wehrmacht convoy was intercepted. This cache provided the means for the Horvat family to get into the gun-running business.
Fifty years later, as civil war tore her homeland apart, the Horvat family was all but wiped out for refusing to take sides. Only Denisa, the youngest daughter, survived the massacre. She swore vengeance on the militia soldiers that killed her family, and rebuilt the business.
Since the Payday gang has recently acquired a Croatian member, it is suspected that ties are growing between Crime.net and this international weapon-smuggler.
The most elusive of all the contractors suspected of maintaining ties to Crime.net. If it weren’t for a handful of photographs, The Dentist might be regarded as just a myth. The first recorded mention of him was the dying breath of James “Napalm" Westmore, when his Beltway Bunch hit the Benevolent Bank in 1977.
“Tell The Dentist to go back to Hell," he is quoted as saying.
Subsequent mentions of the name kept the legend alive, though, until very recently, there was not even a concrete description of this shadowy figure.
We’ve known about Gage for years. He took a bullet in Afghanistan - rumor is it was from one of his own unit, when he was looting the body of a comrade. That fits his profile. His family have been in the gun-running business for a long time, and he’s well connected. Enjoys a certain amount of protection, but he’s also proven useful to the Bureau on occasion. His operation may put guns on the streets, but when we pick him up and shake him down, it makes it easier to track down criminals.
But he’s never given us anything on Bain or the Payday gang. Maybe with the right pressure in the future, we can get him to give us something...
Hector Morales was Colombian by birth, but spent many years on the East Coast developing the power and reach of his cartel, the Sinaloans.
After a long campaign, the Federal Bureau of Intervention were able to amass enough evidence against Hector to bring him in. However, Hector and his cartel weren’t the real target. The FBI Director knew that Hector was somehow connected to Crime.net and planned to reach Bain through the Columbian. The evidence against Hector convinced him to turn state’s evidence and to use his connections to try to bring down Bain and the Payday gang.
Hector’s collusion with the authorities was discovered when the gang-member known as “Hoxton" was able to access sensitive records during an assault on the FBI headquarters at the Hoover Building. This led to Hector being revealed as the rat. Hector was taken into protective custody at a secure FBI safe house. Unfortunately, the Payday gang were able to locate this house and successfully assassinated Hector.
This Ukrainian national has been known to the authorities for a while. Serving his time in the Russian mob (notably in the Donetsk/Rostov area), he is well-known for his aptitude for violence.
Vlad has been involved in many criminal enterprises, including weapons, prostitution, extortion and drug smuggling, though he exhibits strong entrepreneurial tendencies and could be involved in any number of rackets.
Vlad typically offers contracts that exercise his taste for violence, a desire for revenge against those who have wronged or disrespected him, and violent, high-stake jobs.
Vernon Locke, of South-African nationality as evident by his accent, has long been an employee and operative with mercenary organization Murkywater. Even with the borderline grey-area reputation of that organization, surveillance and underground chatter has long been hailing Locke as something more than a soldier-for-hire. Perhaps he is some kind of double agent, aiming for something bigger.
Most recently he has been sighted seemingly on his own, not working under the Murkywater umbrella, but perhaps involved with Bain and the Payday gang. Some intelligence operatives have also been following up on connections between Locke and “The Butcher", though again- the exact nature of said connection remains a mystery at present.
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Modeled after the U.S Marshals unit of the same name, the Sharpshooter mercenaries of Bellmead International use heavy bullets and powerful scopes to attack from long-distances, while their light body armor allows for increased mobility.
Notes: I can't tell if those punks at Bellmead International are lazy or brilliant. They find Sharpshooters that got discharged from the Marshals, pick them back up, and give them the exact same job. Just with a new coat of paint. But the same job comes with the same problems. Their armor couldn't stop a kitchen knife, and that scope glint makes them an instant target.
Utilizing defensive technology stolen from the U.S. Marshals, this shielded mercenary unit comes equipped with a close-range stun flash emitter, a semi-automatic handgun, and a shotgun to be used if their armor is destroyed.
Notes: How’d those Bellmead dicks get a hold of the Marshal stun tech before my department?! Feds must have a goddamn leak or something. Whatever. I don’t want those flimsy shields anyway. Wish I could get my boys to hustle like these mercs, though. When their shotguns come out, it’s like they’re on crack.
Once the regular cops have determined that the situation is volatile enough to require specialist weapons and training, they call the SWAT, and these boys in blue are the first guys on the scene. Well-equipped with Compact-5’s or Reinfelds, they are fast and work well in groups. Bringing their firepower to bear very quickly often shuts down criminals fast.
Notes: Yeah, they're well equipped and we've plenty of 'em, but what they're lacking is leadership - need better command. Decent team-players, for sure, but they're tactically inflexible. Their doctrine is aimed at swarming bunkered-down criminals, but that fast 'shock-and-awe' crap is suicide in the face of an experienced crew.
Captain N. Winters received his commission as a Military Police Officer from the Army ROTC program at the University of California, Berkeley. Winters is a combat veteran with 8 years of service and is an expert in urban warfare, counter-insurgency, Special Weapons And Tactics operations, hand-to-hand combat, and military police actions.
After his military service, Winters went into private security and signed on with GenSec. There he became a "test pilot" for the latest GenSec security tactics and equipment, including that shield.
Notes: I first saw Winters and his squad at a demonstration at the big GenSec facility down South. Hell, I was impressed. It was exactly what I was looking for when building a team to rid Boston of their mobs.
Winters isn’t just a walking tech demo though. He’s a real leader. You can see the belief his men have in him, and you just can’t train, buy or scare that kind of dedication into a man.
The special operatives in the SWAT teams. Specialists in infiltration. They can get into areas that our standard teams just can’t go, so they have the advantage of striking from almost anywhere. Each Cloaker swallows up a big chunk of the budget for their high-tech equipment and martial arts training.
Notes: Christ knows how much money was poured into this program. But it seems to be paying off. They're one of the most effective operatives on the roster. Thing is, this program seems to attract the craziest guys on the force. Most are ex-special forces, used to operating alone. Kinda screws them up. All that money, all that tech, and we hand it over to these batshit crazy lone wolves. If we could only co-ordinate them better with the regulars....
The GenSec Elite are the best GenSec can offer. They are heavily armed and armored, and drawn from former military veterans, giving GenSec some paramilitary capability. They are occasionally contracted by police forces in extreme cases. They are equipped with the finest kit GenSec’s money can supply. Military armor keeps them in the fight, while they are armed with semi-automatic shotguns and JP36 assault rifles.
Notes: The contracts to bring in these guys will surely take a big damn bite out of my budget but I reckon it’s worth it. What I wouldn’t give to have a couple of these teams on the books around the clock. Packing the finest GenSec armors - top-secret military-grade compound-polymer stuff even the Bureau could never afford. And they’re not just decked out well. I've seen these guys fight. Gotta be ex-special forces. I’d sure love to read their files.
GenSec is the biggest private security company in the world, and these red-bereted officers fill the ranks of their footsoldiers. They wear very light armor, and are most often armed with Chimanos, though a few supporting units may carry Compact-5s.
Notes: GenSec makes a lot of money providing private security, but they ain’t spending it on these guys. They’re nothing more than drivers and baggage handlers armed with a pistol and dressed in t-shirts. They might deter bag-snatchers but they ain’t gonna do squat in a real fight. And those goddamn red berets make an inviting target for a heister.
Bulldozers are the heavy armor of the SWAT. They wear military-grade para-aramid suits common to bomb disposal squads, making them capable of soaking up enormous amounts of damage. They can also pack serious firepower. Even the most regular ‘dozer carries a pump-action Reinfeld, while more advanced units carry semi-automatic shotguns.
Notes: Application for this program has the highest percentage in the force, but acceptance is the lowest. That tells me a lot - everyone wants to be a dozer, but very few meet the requirements. Physically huge, and they need to be to move around in that suit of armor. They're the toughest line we can draw.
These men are the elites within the SWAT teams. Each man has served in the regular SWAT for many years, giving them a lot of experience, and are handpicked to serve in the ‘Greens’. These teams are tough, work well together and hit hard, armed with Car-4s and Reinfelds.
Notes: I’ve heard these men referred to as the ‘Greens’. It comes from their uniforms, rather than their experience, because these guys have been around a long time. Almost all have ten-years or more, which earns them my respect. They’re likely to become the spine of my force. They’re pretty well protected, and pack a decent punch.
We see zip-tied civilians increasingly being used as hostages, and these officers are trained with the goal of going in and getting them out. They range from fresh Federal field officers, packing standard sidearms, to highly experienced veterans with Car-4 rifles.
Notes: We see the bad guys increasingly using civilians as bartering chips, and it works. When the news cameras are rolling, ain’t no way we’re going to risk civilian lives. But we try and get ‘em out, and that’s what these guys do.
The Maximum Force Responder is the toughest SWAT team that can be deployed. They wear the strongest armor, offering almost complete protection to the front and sides. They are also highly experienced, and well trained with assault rifles, such as the Car-4.
Notes: These guys are the toughest team elements I can throw into a situation. They’re heavily armored - the best we can afford - and I hear there’s a rolling sweepstake to see who can dig the most slugs out of those tan vests after an operation. I think with a little creativity with purchase req’s and a review of admission protocols, I can get more of these guys on the street.
These armed combat Medics are sent into dangerous situations in order to increase the survivability of other officers in the operation. They are very effective in combination with other, heavier units. But precisely because of this, they are unfortunately often targeted first by any heavily-armed criminals looking to take on a police SWAT team.
Notes: Finally. These guys might be just what we needed to tilt the balance. The casualty rates have been far too high, and it’s a long game. Losing fewer officers in combat might mean we’ll ultimately have the manpower to last the whole distance in this war on crime.
Marketed as private security consultants, but they are capable of everything from simple home security to deploying regiment sized units of fully supported mercenaries. They are all highly trained and drawn from all branches of the world's’ best militaries. Very well equipped with top-grade ballistic armor and Eagle Heavy assault rifles, which is why the top corporations and even state authorities sometimes put them on the books.
Notes: These guys...goddamn it. What the hell are heavily armed mercenaries doing in Washington? Half of ‘em ain’t even American. We got a look at some of the stiffs shipped out of that warehouse - undocumented Armenians, Germans, South Africans. From all over. Might fancy themselves as bad-ass mercs, and they got the firepower for that, but the clowns still went through ‘em like crap through a goose.
Generally, they might be lightly armed and lack armor, but our regulars shouldn’t be underestimated. They are almost always first on the scene, and fight hard to protect their city. Their kit is variable. Most carry the standard issue Chimano, but some will also pack the Reinfeld, the Compact-5 or even a Bronco.
Notes: MPD rank-and-file. And a light breakfast for the bad guys. These units are poorly armed and armored. They might be the first responders, but being the first response doesn't mean being the best response. I can't fault their spirit. But they need to learn when to hold back, and let the heavier teams get on the scene, 'cos these guys are getting turned into ground chuck.
Unarmored and very lightly armed, usually with nothing more than a Chimano, Security Guards still pose a significant threat due to their pagers. With the press of a button, a vigilant Security Guard can raise the alarm, which will bring better suited reinforcements.
Notes: About the greatest threat they pose to the clowns is raising the alarm when they see them, ‘cos they ain’t worth wet paper in a fight. Not that that stops them trying. A lot of these guys are ex-MPD. Maybe pensioned off after being injured in the line of duty, or just gave up their badge hoping for an easier, less dangerous life.
Shields are a proven asset amongst the SWAT teams, and their ceramic barriers have saved the lives of many officers. Capable of blocking any small-arms round at muzzle velocity, and even withstanding small explosives. Their wielders are well trained in closing down the enemy, offering protection to the hard-hitters following up behind.
Notes: A great utility, but only if used correctly. These shields are a proven asset. Unfortunately, their great strength can also be their biggest weakness. It slows the wielder down and limits their vision. If one of the enemy can get behind them, they’re done.
The Skulldozer is an elite unit that the MPD sometimes contracts from GenSec, and represents the toughest asset that can be legally deployed. The armor utilizes GenSec’s cutting edge alloy, Vivinite, and these men carry KSP light machineguns. This gives them incredible durability and also a devastating attack - all in all, a highly effective assault unit.
Notes: These guys….I first saw them deployed in Boston. I’m still not even sure they’re fully human. Part of the GenSec specials we sometimes call in. When I see the size of these operatives, and the devastation they leave behind, I wonder if we’re letting GenSec test-drive some new piece of drug-enhanced cyber-warrior. I’m damn glad they’re on our side. Hell, I almost feel sorry for the clowns when this guy gets on the scene.
Police snipers often deploy at a distance and high up. They pack a serious long-range punch with their special Gewehr 3 tactical laser sight sharpshooter rifles. They’re lightly armored, but their high vantage points can often make them hard to target.
Notes: Surrounding an area with well-positioned snipers is a well-tested tactic, but we’re losing too damn many. The Payday gang sure knows how to shoot, and our snipers are vulnerable. Hell, if the field reports are to be believed, these guys have been taken out at 300 yards with a sidearm!
Update: At least now they have begun to use better rifles. This should help.
An expensive but effective piece of kit. This converted armored truck sports a remote-controlled turret. It can lay down a huge amount of suppressive fire in its field of view. The turret itself is also heavily reinforced, with the main part of the gun being protected by plates of ballistic armor.
Notes: The introduction of these mobile turrets was inspired. They’re damn near indestructible. Not the most accurate, but capable of laying down some withering suppressive fire. Still need to drill our teams more in their tactical use - I want to see SWAT teams pushing the Payday gang into the FOV of these turrets.
These guys were designed to provide a non-lethal takedown option, and they work. Armed with powerful conducted electricity weapons, they can incapacitate a target long enough for regular forces to get close and make an arrest.
Notes: One of my favorite operatives - the enemy have few defenses against them. Even the toughest sumbitches dance when they get lit up by these guys. But they're most effective when part of a mixed team providing close fire-support. Without this backup, they're likely to get isolated and downed. We need to drill our teams on squad tactics. Still, I love watching the camera footage of these guys in action.
The Sharpshooter is a unit of the U.S. Marshals Special Operations Group, deployed to neutralize fugitives of the federal government. Specializing in long-distance combat, they use streamlined ammunition and high-powered scopes to deal massive damage from the edges of battle. Their light armor allows them to move quickly between vantage points.
Notes: Gotta hand it to those Marshals, they sure know how to get creative with our tax dollars. What if you crossed a sniper with an entry officer? That's basically what the Sharpshooter is all about. Too bad their armor's so weak, and they should really do something about their scope glint. All that stupid camo, and you can still spot them a mile away.
A revolutionary upgrade to the standard SWAT defensive unit, this operative’s shield comes equipped with a blinding flash emitter that can stun enemies at close range. The Marshal Shield uses a semi-automatic pistol as his default weapon, but if his armor is destroyed, he will go on the offensive and switch to a shotgun loaded with concussive rounds.
Notes: I don’t know about all these fancy gadgets the Marshals keep cranking out. Sure, the stun flash will stop a perp dead in his tracks, but everything’s a trade off. They added all that wiring to the shield, so they had to cut back on the actual armor. A few good hits will break it to pieces! Luckily, these guys move fast as hell when they’re down to their shotguns. Must be the adrenaline.
These guys are the second tier in our SWAT forces. They’re all time-served veterans, enjoying better training with better armor and assault rifles.
Notes: Made up of men who’ve put in at least two years with the regulars, and had training with better armor and assault rifles. This means they can soak more damage and pack a harder punch. They’re tough but...we lose way too many to bad decisions at a command level. Our loss rate on these guys is unacceptable - maybe look at further upgrades to weapons and armor.
Forze Z, the Zulus, or ZEAL (Force Z Elite Assault Legion) - thus named because they are the last resort force deployed when absolutely everything else falls short. They are the top secret strike force of the Department of Homeland Surveillance. Even the FBI only found out about their existence a few days before they were deployed in Washington during the emergency of October 2016 (which ultimately failed to materialize on the scale that the DHS had envisioned).
The ZEALs deploy highly efficient SWAT units, including their own tougher versions of special operatives such as Bulldozers and Cloakers.
Notes: When the goddamn DHS starts meddling in police business, they don’t hold back, do they? I have to admit that these units do know their business. But they should be under police command. It’s not right that a dark legion of secret super soldiers should go stomping around in populated areas with complete impunity.
You did not enter a suspect's Steam Alias or URL.
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-12-20 16:24
Subject: Congratulations Sir!
I just wanted to congratulate you again on your success and award. I also wanted to express my gratitude for your vote of confidence in endorsing my candidacy for the Secret Service.
If they accept me, I promise to make you proud.
It has truly been an honor serving with you.
Special Agent Brian Painter
Payday Task Force
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C.
From: cableguy@fbit.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-10-22 11:19
Subject: Blocked domains
As per your request Sir, we have blocked all incoming and outgoing traffic to the “beyondyesterday.com" domain.
As per your court order, we also managed to partially infiltrate their system. Judging by the server logs, they were sending spam messages to other government agencies as well, not just you, Sir. We traced IP addresses to both the Capitol Building and the White House- they even managed to reach the Oval Office! The strangest part though… is that they were also trying to hack a computer in a local bakery. Don’t know if that’s useful to you, Sir?
James Wyre
IT Security Specialist
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-08-14 16:25
Subject: Surveillance tracker update
I have a short update on the surveillance tracker you asked us to arrange. We were getting a steady signal from it, but we lost it.
The strange thing is, the signal died at the very same time as that quake (or whatever it was) we had yesterday. The times coincide exactly. When it vanished, the signal was moving due south in the Pacific, after leaving through a port in Seattle. But the west coast wasn’t affected by the quake at all, which is why it’s so strange. We’ve triple-checked all the equipment and everything is working fine. We can’t explain it. Do we chalk it up to freak coincidence?
Special Agent Brian Painter
Payday Task Force
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C.
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-05-24 15:45
Subject: Regarding Mr. Simmons...
I was wondering if you are at all worried that Mr. Simmons may try to retaliate for his arrest, and if so, what precautions I should have the team take? I mean, you don’t hold a person like that for 37 days without expecting them to hold a grudge. The fact that Mr. Simmons has avoided making any public statements since we released him has me slightly worried.
Whatever you need or think prudent as a course of action Sir, just let me know. The entire task force is still behind you one hundred percent.
Special Agent Brian Painter
Payday Task Force
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C.
From: エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-04-26 16:35
Subject: Ensconced
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-04-17 15:11
Subject: Those scans you requested.
Sir, I was finally able to have Forensics scan those pages you asked for. I have sent the originals down to Evidence with the other confiscated items from the Simmon’s raid.
Please see the attached images. I you don’t mind my saying so, these things don’t seem particularly noteworthy in regards to Crimenet.
Are you at liberty to discuss your thoughts on them? I would love to learn more.
Special Agent Brian Painter
Payday Task Force
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C.
From: bigcheese@dcmayor.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-03-29 10:24
Subject: You got some explaining to do.
What the God damn hell? In my office this afternoon. You better have a good explanation for this shit.
“McKendrick 2018 - Flushing Out the Sewers of Government"
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-03-19 16:28
Subject: Operation Karamojo
I’ve shown the dossier you provided me with to an agent in Legal, someone whom I trust to be discreet, and she agreed that it looks sufficient, if not completely watertight, for Probable Cause.
As per your instructions I have prepared a small team, which stands ready. Operation Karamojo is GO at your command.
Special Agent Brian Painter
Payday Task Force
Federal Bureau of Intervention, Washington D.C.
From: カタル@昨日越えて.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-03-07 17:40
Subject: Just so.
From: ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-02-06 16:32
Subject: Shenanigans
From: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-01-19 15:27
Subject: Downtown building attack update
Forensics is still analyzing the evidence recovered from the site on 14th, but now that everyone is back from the Christmas break, I felt that a short update was warranted.
We can confirm, as you expected, that the site appears to have been used by the Payday gang in some fashion, going by cursory analysis of the evidence. Just about all of the equipment we recovered has been destroyed beyond repair; some of it has even been mechanically compromised - drilled through, as well as neutralized with the usual electromagnetic methods. The hardware seems to have been a mix of home-made and cutting-edge industrial tech; whomever built it was no amateur tinkerer. The Lab is attempting to extract data from the pieces recovered, but they are not hopeful at this point.
DNA analysis of the blood we found is still pending - there was a lot of it and separation is taking longer than the lab expected.
The variations and types of spent ammunition casings found strewn about on-site would seem to indicate mercenaries were responsible for, or at least involved, in the attack. They were professionals, at any rate. For example, they hit the place exactly when the DCPD would be slowest in responding.
The oddest thing we found was laying on top of all the debris on the top floor, where most of the blood was - a piece of old textured paper with what looks to be a hand-drawn figure and inscriptions. I don’t recognize the lettering, but I’m attaching a snapshot of it. The image has also been forwarded to our research people for further study.
I will have more for you soon, Sir. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any specific needs.
Sgt. Brian Painter
Special Analysis Operations, Payday Task Force, Washington D.C.
From: bigcheese@dcmayor.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-12-22 09:04
Subject: FWD: [SPAM?]Merry Christmas Mr.Mayor
What the Holy Hell Garrett?
What is this, some kind of joke!? More shit from that Payday gang? Are they devil worshipers now or something? I am THIS close to pulling your plug and sending you to chase bootleggers in Arkansas. You're on your last leg, boy.
No more excuses. Stop. Them.
"McKendrick 2018 - Flushing Out the Sewers of Government"
From: エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com
To: bigcheese@dcmayor.com
Date: 2017-12-20 02:32
Subject: [SPAM?] Merry Christmas Mr. Mayor
From: ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-12-14 15:26
Subject: [SPAM?]
From: ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-12-12 17:15
Subject: [SPAM?] Annuit Coeptis
He has plundered your seas, ravaged your coasts, burnt your towns, and destroyed the lives of your people.
Mr. Garrett, what is stopping your nemesis worth to you?
From: j.doherty@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-11-23 10:37
Subject: Payday padding?
We just got word that the Payday gang are bringing in some new muscle, going by the names “Ethan" and “Hila". Looks like they have a past in internet broadcasting and might be married - not the usual type of people you find on Crime.net. Maybe this Bain character is padding his workforce for something big? We’re running full background checks right now and should have a more thorough report for you soon.
/John Doherty
Sergeant, Payday Task Force
FBI Special branch, Langley
From: burnham@anchoragepd.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-10-26 10:42
Subject: Re: Re: Red Flag Event
Commissioner Garrett,
With respect Sir, what the hell? My department has been trying to reach you for over a day and now we have a veritable shit-storm happening up here. Multiple casualties, a local port all but destroyed and all suspects have fled via a ship we have not been able to track. Whatever it was these criminals were doing up here, they are gone now and I wash my hands of any responsibility for this incident.
John P. Burnham
Sheriff, Anchorage PD
From: burnham@anchoragepd.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-10-21 17:44
Subject: Red Flag Event
Commissioner Garrett,
I have been told you might be the man to ask about this. Two nights ago, one of my deputies aided an individual that had hit a moose with his vehicle and gotten stuck in a ditch. My deputy thought the guy was kind of shady. He apparently had some weird accent - British or something and kept saying “yeah" after everything.It was pretty clear he was not used to the weather up here, only wearing a thin camo jacket. Anyway, he claimed he was just passing through, acting a bit cagey about his final destination, so we ran my deputy’s dash-cam video through the system, but all we got was a big red flag to contact you guys.
I would appreciate if you could let me know if we should pursue this or need to take any further action. I’m sure you understand I like to keep my back yard clean. I am attaching a link to an image of the man in question.
John P. Burnham
Sheriff, Anchorage PD
From: customsdude@dcmailoffice.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-10-13 15:55
Subject: RE: August Lindenhurst, goods inspection?
Hello Mr. Garrett,
As per you request we attempted an inspection of the container coming into Washington DC addressed to Mr. Lindenhurst, on suspicion of illegal transportation of cultural artifacts. While we were able to detain the shipment briefly, as it did indeed seem to contain a large number of historical antiques, we were forced to release the shipment. A British national named Mr. Aldstone showed up with proper documentation and threatened legal action if we detained the items longer, so my supervisor deemed it wise to comply. Without a proper warrant, we could do no more.
I’m sorry we couldn’t be of more help. Feel free to contact me again if we can be of further service in this matter.
Bob C. Pertman
Customs Control, Washington D.C.
From: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-04-11 17:23
Subject: Yakuza message?
We have intercepted a strange message that we think may originate with the Yakuza. I’ll be damned if I can make sense of it, can you?
“Five white horses each ate an apple and grew to twice their size. Two foals were born that spring. But as the farmer died his herd was split fairly among his daughters. Atsuko the youngest, with three elder sisters and short on coin, took her inheritance to the market and sold it for a silver per piece. These coins I now hold."
John P. Jones,
Director of the Federal Bureau of Intervention
From: bigcheese@dcmayor.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2017-02-02 12:55
Subject: What the hell is going on over there?
I thought I made it clear that I was giving you a free hand and all the resources you need for taking down the Payday Gang. So why are they not dead or in prison yet? What the hell - you let these shitbags shoot up a goddamn mall in downtown DC in the middle of Christmas commerce! As you know, the CCTV footage was leaked to the press so it was all over the fucking media. "Payday Gang kidnaps Santa." A goddamn disaster. And I don’t like the things they’re saying now, I really don’t. When i was elected, I promised the public I’d bring peace to the streets of Washington, and since then nothing has happened. Nothing!!!
The mayoral elections are coming up soon and I don’t need to remind you how this looks. That Bukowski bitch is breathing down my neck, and if I should fall on this crime bullshit, I’d be perfectly happy to have you fired as my last decision.
Mayor McKendrick - “McKendrick in 2017 - As I prosper, so will you"
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-11-03 12:37
Subject: A favor
Commissioner Garrett,
I wonder if you could maybe put in a word on my behalf with the disciplinary board. I just thought it was a funny costume, I had no way of knowing it was going to trigger Johnson’s PTSD like that. Now they’re making me pay for all the broken stuff, and it’s going into my service record. I think it’s unfair, Sir.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: m.hyster@mpd.gov.net
To: everyone@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-11-03 10:14
Subject: Halloween Party
Although the task force’s Halloween party last weekend was, all things considered, a success, we do feel the need to point something out:
Wearing clown masks in the style of the Payday Gang at staff parties is NOT funny.
Those involved have been reprimanded. For next year, we will provide Halloween dress-up guidelines for all staff in order to avoid any unpleasantness.
Meredith Hyster, Secretary of the Disciplinary Board, Metropolitan Police
From: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-11-02 15:31
Subject: Re: Re: Re: The DHS
I don’t know. We’ve heard nothing new relevant to the Payday Gang lately from the DHS. But they’re dead serious about hunting the clowns down, you can be sure of that.
Regarding the missing October surprise, a mole we have in the Chicago mob has confirmed that several of their bosses were attending a party in Washington. No code, an actual party. I wonder how the DHS feels about having put on all that fuss.
John P. Jones,
Director of the Federal Bureau of Intervention
From: claire.arnold@dhs.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-30 14:55
Subject: Payday Gang
Commissioner Garrett,
I hereby inform you that if you detect any further activity from the group known as the ‘Payday Gang’, we’d like the DHS to be informed immediately.
We’ve concluded that some of the activities of this group may constitute a direct threat to the constitutional order and security of the United States. Which makes it our business.
Their obvious capacity to hit major banks and police headquarters in the nation’s capital with impunity causes concerns for the security of important government institutions and persons, as well as for the public’s confidence in the forces of law and order, the lack of which of course in itself poses a serious threat.
I’d like to make it clear to you, as the head of Special Task Force: Payday, that our eyes are on this matter.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Claire Arnold
Washington, D.C. Area Intelligence Coordinator
Department of Homeland Surveillance
From: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-30 14:31
Subject: The DHS
I’d like to give you a heads up. Those blockheads over at the DHS have been in touch.
Referring to what they call ‘rampant violent crime in the nation’s capital, including on critical targets such as major banks, which the police forces have proven unable to cope with’, they’ve been asking us to share any intel we have about the Payday Gang.
These guys usually only follow up on terrorist threats, but this may be a sign that they deem the clowns to be in the same danger category. Not sure what they’re up to, but I just thought you’d like to know.
John P. Jones,
Director of the Federal Bureau of Intervention
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-23 09:51
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons
Commissioner Garrett,
We’ve received information about another unique weapon, the ‘Mars Ultor’ rifle, that’s rumored to be in the possession of the Payday Gang. I’ve passed the available info on it to the IT Department for inclusion in the database.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-16 10:27
Subject: RE: RE: New special units
Commissioner Garrett,
Regarding your query about the new special officers - I’ve been assured that they will be operational sometime within the next few months, and that their capabilities will correspond to the specifications that were discussed at the meeting you attended early summer. I couldn’t get anything more at the moment - these bureaucrats shut themselves like clams when you try to pressure them for information.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-13 17:45
Subject: RE: New special units
Commissioner Garrett,
I’ll make some inquiries and see what I can find out about it.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-07 18:07
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons
Commissioner Garrett,
Janet Smalls at the IT department has just informed me that they’ve added all known information about the so-called ‘legendary’ weapons to the FedNet Firearms Database. I was also about to tell you that I’ve encountered rumors of a new weapon that may be of interest to us, a shotgun called the ‘Admiral’.
I’ve already sent the available information on it to the IT department for inclusion in the database.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-07 17:52
Subject: Firearms Database Application Updated
Hello Commissioner,
I just want to inform you that we’ve updated the Firearms Database with information about the more unique and unusual weapons that are thought to have been employed by members of the Payday gang. It is our hope that this information will aid you in identifying and tracking the movements of the gang.
The information is online now, under the tab ‘Legendary’ Weapons.
Kind Regards,
Janet Smalls
IT Dept
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-03-10 11:07
Subject: Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related
Commissioner Garrett,
We might have gotten our hands on a lead in the PAYDAY case.
Yesterday the LAPD were called in to a possible homicide at the Sunset hotel. The victim is a 24-year-old waitress by the name of Jisela Diaz, who was currently employed by the hotel in question.
Miss Diaz was found by a colleague in a pool of her own blood; skull cracked and her body in plain sight on the floor of the rooftop bar.
The murder itself doesn't fit the PAYDAY gang's MO, but we still have reason to believe they are somehow involved. Joe Davis, a former MPD officer who now works out of Los Angeles, was the one who gave me the call. While on the scene, he found a drink receipt signed by a certain “Nathan Steele". Joe worked with me on the PAYDAY case before your arrival, so the name immediately struck a chord with him.
You know as well as I do - that Nathan Steele is an alias that has been previously used by "Dallas", the suspected leader of the PAYDAY gang.
This could be a coincidence, but you strike me as a man who doesn't believe in coincidences, and neither do I.
How do you wish to proceed, sir?
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-12-11 15:47
Subject: Another unique weapon
Commissioner Garrett,
Thank you for calling earlier. I found the following information in regards to the Reinfeld your men spotted the Clowns with on a website on the dark web. It seems to match how it was described.
"Big Kahuna"
Afano "Rocky" Jones. Mutter the name in any community of heisters or adventure seekers, and you can be sure that heads will be lowered and glasses raised.
"Rocky" was born to Samoan parents, but raised on the tough streets of Chicago. Though a boy with a gentle spirit, growing up was tough, due to being twice the size of other children his own age. He was laughed at, bullied and beaten. A lot. But through it all "Rocky" never fought back. The gentle boy just curled up, and suffered the blows in silence.
All that changed when "Rocky" was twelve years old. Three boys, much older than himself, pushed the gentle giant about, kicking him and spitting on him. But everyone has their snapping point, and "Rocky" reached his. For the first time in his life, he fought back. After an explosive flurry of punches, his three assailants were reduced to mumbling puddles.
Things changed. No-one fucked with "Rocky" after that.But the real change was inside him. The incident exhilarated him. It was as though he felt electricity coursing through his veins. It sparked off his skin like a halo. "Rocky"'s confidence grew. He told himself that it wasn't the violence, just simply the act of standing up to his bullies.
But he was lying to himself. It was the violence.
"Rocky"'s life became a crusade to re-capture that electrifying sense. He played football, breaking state records (as well as spines), but it wasn't enough. He boxed, he won and he threw his awards into the trash because that elusive spark just wasn't there. With every act, he added a tattoo to his body, until his very form told a tale few would believe. He surfed the biggest waves, climbed the sheerest cliffs and sky-dived into hurricanes. He completed the Ozaki 8... and felt nothing. Nothing felt as good as beating those bullies.
It wasn't until, of all the unlikely places, he was collecting groceries in a store near his mom's house. A man walked in with a black shotgun, raised it and demanded money. "Rocky" instinctively pounced. He snatched away that shotgun, beat the robber with it, and...finally felt something. A glimmer of that spark. It was so close. And "Rocky" knew, instinctively, why.
He turned to the shopkeeper, and aimed the shotgun. When he did that, he felt like he was glowing.
The money from the robbery meant nothing. The robbery itself meant everything. That summer, "Rocky" went on a spree of violent crime. To hold that elusive spark, each heist had to top the previous. Stores became banks, casinos, trains and strongrooms, including the famous Grossman Gold Reserve job.
"Rocky" disappeared in 1978, on the same day that an army payroll plane went down into the deep forests of Oregon. Little was salvaged from the wreckage. Only a pristine black shotgun was recovered, inlaid with markings similar to Samoan tattoos. The meaning of these markings? "I did the Ozaki 8".
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net
To: all@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-12-04 11:03
Subject: Bodhi Briefing
Hi everyone,
For those of you that missed the Commissioner's briefing on Bodhi this morning, the IT-Department recorded the whole thing (thank you Todd for handling the camera).
James Hunter,
IT Dept
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-20 11:28
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons
Commissioner Garrett,
Forwarding this. Crimepedia entry, seems to match the pistol we have seen...
"Midas Touch"
A hand-crafted Deagle built as testament to the finest gaming-trained crackshot in the world.
The legend of "Midas Touch" begins in the arcades off the Santa Cruz boardwalk, on a rainy Monday morning. It begins with 15-year-old Adam Goodwin, feeding a single quarter to the light gun game, "Narco Cop", and then embarking on an epic gaming streak that drew huge crowds, a news crew and, finally, a truant officer. The truant officer might have pulled the plug on Adam's streak, but the story was out - and the legend had begun. Sponsorship from the game developer led to appearances at State Fairs, which brought him to the attention of the famous 'Bill "Buckin' Bronco" traveling rodeo. Adam joined with Bill, and, being a natural showman quickly became his star attraction. The highlight of his act was the 'Four Georges' - keeping four quarters in the air and then letting them fall, faces up. As a reward for bringing in huge crowds, Bill had a very special pistol fashioned for Adam - a hand-crafted gold-plated Deagle, embossed with pixel art and golden coins, to remind the young man of that fateful Monday morning, in a Santa Cruz arcade. It was called the "Midas Touch".
However, as we now know, the "Buckin' Bronco" rodeo was more than a traveling show. it was a front for a criminal gang. The roster of performers - the stunt car drivers, the acrobats, the knife-throwers - were really part of this crew. Naturally, Goodwin was drafted in to join them, earning the nickname "Eyeball". He took part in armed heists all across the country and grew infamous for his ability to shoot guns out of the hands of cops, never even scratching them. "Just kill them," Bill urged, but this wasn't Goodwin's style. He was a showman - he liked to show off. This was ultimately to be the undoing of the crew. Such uncommon ability was impossible to hide. Gradually, the task force assigned to tracking down the gang put the pieces together - the near-supernatural accuracy of the man with the "Midas Touch" could only be one person. The gang were quickly apprehended during a show outside Florence, Oregon. Though it was a perfect operation for the police, with the gang taken into custody and no casualties suffered, the "Midas Touch" was never recovered.
Adam "Eyeball" Goodwin is now serving a 30-year sentence at San Quentin. When this interviewer asked Goodwin about the fate of his famous, signature pistol, he just smiled and said, "I knew the Feds were closing in. And....a horse needs to run. A game needs to be played. And a gun needs to shoot."
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-20 11:12
Subject: RE: RE: Unique weapons
Commissioner Garrett,
Forwarding this. Found it on a blog, originating in Kiev...
"Vlad's Rodina"
An army-issue AK that - in war and crime - has demonstrated an unquenchable thirst for blood.
It might have rolled off an assembly line in Izhevsk with hundreds of thousands of other AK's, but there was always something different about the weapon with serial number #136176186.
It was first issued to Private Anton Ruslan, who was later court-martialed for killing two members of his squad. At his hearing, Ruslan - an exemplary cadet - claimed the gun "just went off".
Next, it saw action in the Battle of Grozny. Sgt Zaytsev, armed only with his standard issue AK #136176186, single-handedly fought off an ambush and saved the lives of his entire unit. The image of his silhouette holding the AK high, backlit by flames, became iconic, and Zaytsev was ordained as a Hero of the Russian Federation. A fierce patriot, he had the St Basil towers painted on the heat shield, and gave his beloved rifle a name - "Rodina". The only blemish on Zaytsev's record came when he lost "Rodina" on a train at Rostov. Despite being secured in a locked case, "Rodina", Zaytsev claimed, seemed to simply disappear.
Shortly after, "Rodina" found its way into the hands of a Russian mob, running cigarettes and booze between Rostov and Donetsk. Though known to the police as a minor outfit, not particularly ambitious, this mob began to grow. It expanded with extreme aggression, got involved in drugs and murder, and, quickly, the mobs around it began turning up dead. The limited video footage supported the notion that most of the deaths were due to a single army-issue AK. It's wielder, who had been believed to be a low-ranking enforcer, began to climb the ranks. But don't think of climbing a ladder - rather, he climbed a mound of bodies. This ambitious thug was later identified as Vladislav Kozak.
When Vlad turned his operations to America, it seems that "Rodina" went with him. When asked about the rifle, Vlad is said to have replied, "Nothing has a taste for blood like my little Rodina."
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-19 13:08
Subject: RE: Unique weapons
Commissioner Garrett,
I received your request for information on these new weapons on the street. I agree, their distinctive nature may help us track down the Payday gang, or their suppliers. I have contacted my counterparts in agencies around the world. I will send you the information as it arrives.
Hopefully this will give us valuable leads.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: christopher.foyle@newscotlandyard.co.uk
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-05 13:22
Subject: RE: information request
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to our telephone conversation,
We do indeed have record of an armed robbery that may interest you.
On 24th September 2010, a robbery occurred at a Territorial Army Reserve Depot on the outskirts of Aldershot, Surrey. Two suspects, a male and a female, managed to infiltrate the base posing as civilian contractors. While they had Level-4 clearance to work on the Depot’s IT mainframe, they circumvented the security protocols, and authorised themselves to remove a lorry loaded with L-95’s.
Of particular interest to you, sir, may be that the only arrest made was one James Hoxworth - who I understand is now operating in the US. He was using his mobile as arresting officers closed in. The final text read “You crafty little shit". The text was sent to an unregistered phone, whose GPS was tracked to the wheelchair of Mrs Edna Baggins, 92, of Sutton Coldfield. Mrs Baggins was apprehended by our Specialist Firearms Officers, but later released without charge. I’m sure you remember the photos of that one.
The missing rifles remain largely unaccounted for, and those that have turned up have been appearing in varied locales, including being smuggled on the Liverpool-Dublin ferry and also employed by Syrian rebels (Chemiz-Al-Hamrah).
As you know, James Hoxworth was never prosecuted here and a warrant for his arrest and extradition remains outstanding. The female has not been identified.
Yours sincerely,
Chief Insp. Christopher Foyle
From: bigcheese@dcmayor.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-05 12:12
Subject: lot of dear tasers!!!!!
What the hell is going on out there? I just got a req across my desk asking urs truly to sign off on replacement taser guns. You know how many? To goddam many thats how many! Why the hell are the clowns going loco on the power co? This shits going to cost a lot of green dolleros. Dolleros that can be spent in other ways! Do you know how many mayorial limos I could buy with that? How many fact finding missions to Maldives.
Put a plug in this crap Garrett!
Mayor McKendrick
Mayor McKendrick - “Vote for me, get a gun for free"
From: nev.winters@gensec.biz
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-02 11:27
Subject: RE: RE: Disturbing development
Sir, It seems the Payday gang has now turned their hatred onto our Bulldozers. Reports from the field tell me that the gang isn't showing any fear either; they're going up close with Sub-machine guns and tearing our men's faces into mincedmeat.
I haven't seen this kind of aggressive recklessness since my tours in the Middle East.
From: j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-02 10:42
Subject: Firearms Database Application Updated
Good Morning Commissioner,
I was going through the Firearms Database the other day and noticed that the weapons were not in any particular kind of order.
James has updated the app so that weapons are now in Alphabetical order, and you can filter them by type, for example, to show only Assault Rifles or Pistols.
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me back.
Kind Regards,
Janet Smalls
IT Dept
From: nev.winters@gensec.biz
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-29 23:08
Subject: Disturbing development
Sir, I’m sure your analysis department is all over this, but I wanted to ensure you were made aware of a recent disturbing development. It would appear that the Payday gang have been paying particular attention to our cloaker units. Reports of incidents of increased and sustained violence against them are flooding in.
Can you think of why the Payday gang is suddenly turning on cloakers like that?
From: j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-26 00:13
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting
Hello Commissioner,
I saw your email in James' Inbox earlier today as he is away from the office. I just wanted to let you know that I've changed the Date Format as requested.
The Application on your desktop should automatically update.
If you have any other queries, please let me know directly going forward.
Kind Regards,
Janet Smalls
IT Dept
From: j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-25 21:59
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting
I am out of the office and will return on Wednesday 30th September.
If you have any urgent requests, please email Janet Smalls during my absence.
James Hunter,
IT Dept
From: j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-24 23:54
Subject: RE: Date/Time Formatting
Commissioner Garrett,
Sir, we are running with the Interpol EU Standard for formatting date/time for international purposes, as our database software was designed to use the GMT Clock in mind.
This is due to the possibility that we need to configure and exchange data with international agencies in the future.
Sir, I believe that the metric system is in fact superior for most general technical applications too.
James Hunter,
IT Dept
From: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-23 09:34
Subject: Introduction
Commissioner Garrett,
I am Lieutenant Peter Romises. At the request of Mayor McKendrick, I’ve been attached to your special task force to act as your liaison with the various federal departments and civilian agencies that now fall under your authority.
I will see that all reports and statistical data are collated and made available, and will see that it is fed back to operational commanders so that improvements can be made to tactics and technology.
Further, I will report directly to you in the event of new assets made available to the taskforce.
Lastly, allow me to say it is a great honor to be working with an officer with your track record, sir. Together, we will ensure the end of the Payday crew.
Lt. P. Romises,
Special Task Force: Payday
From: bigcheese@dcmayor.gov
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-22 21:12
Subject: URGENT!! Read this from the MAYOR!!
Let me make it clear to you right now - don't go playing grab-fanny with the payday gang! Your here to go after them so do it with speed and aggression. Don't go worryin about capturing and bringing them to trial. I don't want to see them being dragged out of a hole on live TV. I want them dead! Got it. I want to see Bains corpse. All right now you know how I feel about this. Get to it.
Mayor McKendrick
Mayor McKendrick - “Vote for me, get a gun for free"
From: it@capitolhill.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-22 20:30
Subject: You’re all set up
Commissioner Garrett,
Welcome to the force, sir.
We’ve set up your computer with shortcuts to the servers you requested. Rest assured, our network is the most secure in the world, sir.
Any problems, put in a ticket.
IT Dept
From: nev.winters@gensec.biz
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-21 13:01
Subject: Ready for action
Good to serve with you again, sir.
Just to let you know that myself and my team have arrived, are barracked and are ready to be deployed. Our equipment arrived safely and has been logged with the appropriate people.
I’m looking forward to working with you and your office. I won’t let you down, sir.
See you at the press conference tomorrow.
p.s. Kevin sends his regards, and thanks you for the welcome gift
From: mar.spooner@gensec.biz
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-21 10:22
Subject: Ready for business
Commissioner Garrett,
First off, let me say how happy we at GenSec are to see you in this new position. We trust our previous collaborations in Boston and Red Hook have been recognized.
As you know, our own interests have suffered gravely at the hands of this so-called “Payday gang”, including that recent debacle at the arena. Our board of directors have given me a blank check when it comes to our assistance.
I immediately signed off on your request for Captain Winters. He's been leading our test team working on the tactical use of vivinite, so there may be some teething problems. But I know Winters won't let you down.
I'm looking forward to watching you work,
Martha Spooner
Head of Operation
From: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
To: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-09-21 08:56
Subject: Welcome back
That goddamn McKendrick might be as much use as tits on a teapot but he made the right choice when he called you!
You know I've been after Bain and his gang for a while. I almost had them when I had Morales ready to bend over. Those son bitches marched right into the safe house and whacked him.
Anyway, you got complete access to all our files now. We're still building our intel on these guys, so feel free to annotate them with your own notes.
Carol and I would love to have you over for supper when this is all over.
John P. Jones,
Director of the Federal Bureau of Intervention
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com
Date: 2018-03-06 17:24
Subject: You like riddles do you?
Time is something we never have enough of, but looking at the smallest unit can make it seem infinitely long. And subtracting the number of rights I have sworn to protect, makes little difference.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2018-02-19 17:27
Subject: Meeting ASAP
When you get back into the building, please come see me in my office. We need to talk about a significant development.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com
Date: 2018-01-19 16:35
Subject: Unless you intend to do something useful
Kindly cease these cryptic shenanigans and state your agenda.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: burnham@anchoragepd.gov
Date: 2017-10-25 14:13
Subject: Re: Red Flag Event
Sheriff Burnham,
Apologies for the late reply to your inquiry but I was not in a position to get back to you earlier due to the classified nature of our current operation. Please be advised that the individual your deputy encountered is a wanted suspect and deemed highly dangerous. If you learn anything more about his current whereabouts, please let us know ASAP. (Feel free to call my private number on 202-555-529626.) Under no circumstances should this man be approached or any attempt of apprehension be made without contacting us first!
Kind regards,
Solomon Garrett,
Commissioner, FBI Special Task Force
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: customsdude@dcmailoffice.gov
Date: 2017-10-11 17:24
Subject: August Lindenhurst, goods inspection?
To whom it may concern,
I assume that you boys at customs know that we are currently investigating the criminal organization known as “Payday". It has come to our attention that they are receiving a large container of goods (possibly antiques) traveling by train from New York and is anticipated to arrive within the next day. (Shipment number “732738-A", addressed to a “Mr. A. Lindenhurst".)
We would request that you detain and inspect this shipment. I realize that under normal circumstances would require a warrant for this, but please understand that I have been given broad discretion by the Governor to “bend the rules" a tad, in light of the seriousness of this issue. If anyone questions your actions, an appropriate justification of probable cause will be arranged. I would also request that you keep this “under the radar" as it were - this gang has informants even in government, so we need to take every precaution.
Kind regards,
Solomon Garrett,
Commissioner, FBI Special Task Force
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
Date: 2017-04-12 15:51
Subject: Re: Yakuza message?
I have no idea what they’re talking about. Horses? That weird Asian stuff is best left alone if you ask me.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-11-03 13:03
Subject: Re: A favor
I don’t see what was funny about it at all. You’re on your own, son.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
Date: 2016-11-02 10:03
Subject: Re: Re: The DHS
So what’s going on at the DHS anyway? They went all nuts and predicted a disaster in Washington this October that didn’t materialize. They clearly don’t know what the hell they’re doing.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-30 15:16
Subject: Urgent
Come see in me in my office right away. I need to talk to you.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: claire.arnold@dhs.gov.net
Date: 2016-09-30 15:14
Subject: Re: Payday Gang
Ms. Arnold,
Of course, we’ll make sure to share any new intel with you. Lieutenant Peter Romises will get in touch with you to coordinate it.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net
Date: 2016-09-30 15:10
Subject: Re: The DHS
Those DHS pricks are insulting the whole force with their meddling. Like we can’t handle it!
We’re closing in on the Payday Gang, we’ve got new units coming in, and sooner than you know we’ll have ended the criminal escapades of those goddamn clowns. “Unable to cope with" - I’ll show the DHS who’s in charge.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-09-13 14:15
Subject: New special units
I haven’t heard anything yet about the new specialized officers that were discussed before vacations. Can you see if you can get any info on how things are proceeding, or if it’s even happening at all? I really need everything I can get here.
And before you ask - no, I don’t take vacations, but everyone else seems to. Except Bain and the Payday Gang.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2016-03-15 14:49
Subject: RE: Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related
Your lack of reports these last couple of months had me wondering if you'd retired from the force.
Anyhow, you did good bringing this to my attention. I want you to fly to L.A. right away and get involved in this homicide case. I'm sure the LAPD won't like having you crashing their investigation but don't concern yourself with that. I'll go through the appropriate channels and make sure you can work without trouble.
When you arrive I want you to look over the crime scene again. Bring one of our own forensics with you to make sure a thorough job is done. Eric is good. He's a bit neurotic but he'll get the job done. I also want you to check if the hotel's security cameras have picked anything up that might be of interest to us. Go through all the material and report back to me ASAP.
You were correct in assuming I don't believe in coincidences. We need to find out if the PAYDAY gang really are involved in this.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov
Date: 2015-10-18 23:22
Subject: Unique weapons
I’m hearing from numerous field reports that the Payday gang have been deploying new weapons. Very distinctive weapons. Appear to be modified versions. See what you can find out about them. They might lead us to the gang’s suppliers.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: nev.winters@gensec.biz
Date: 2015-09-30 09:24
Subject: RE: Disturbing development
Yeah, I’m hearing the same from district chiefs all over the city. I know what Bain’s up to. He’s singling out a particular asset to demoralize them. But you remember what the McCann Brothers tried in Boston? Knew what animal lovers the BPD were, so went after the canine units. And what happened? South Boston Hospital was sewing mick nuts back together for weeks.
Don’t worry. When this is all over I’m all for locking one of these clowns in a basement cell with four cloakers. And a nightstick.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net
Date: 2015-09-25 09:22
Subject: RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting
Listen here son, you get that date format changed, or I will personally change you.
Get this done, and done now.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: it@capitolhill.gov.net
Date: 2015-09-24 22:34
Subject: Date/Time Formatting
IT Department,
I have serious issues with the formatting of the dates in the databases and Memo client. The date formatting appears to be completely backwards and impossible for me to sort in any meaningful way.
Please ensure that you address this issue at once and change the date to the ISO 8601 format. I can't have my agents filing reports with the months and dates in a confusing format.
From: s.garrett@paydaytaskforce.gov
To: bigcheese@dcmayor.gov
Date: 2015-09-23 21:12
Subject: RE: URGENT!! Read this from the MAYOR!!
Mayor McKendrick,
Let me assure you that I intend to prosecute my investigation of Bain and the Payday gang with extreme prejudice.
Firstly, over the years I have established a strong partnership with GenSec, and intend to enlist them to my task force. As they are a private company, I require from you authorization to approve any expenditure in this.
Secondly, I have started my review of the files supplied to me by the Federal Bureau of Intervention. These include appraisal of the tactics of Bain and his gang, tactical analysis of the locations they have hit, and an honest assessment of the forces at my disposal. I have annotated these files with my thoughts and recommendations, and will continue to do so for the duration. Please review these files at your convenience.
Subject | From | Date | |
Congratulations Sir! | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-12-20 16:24 | |
Blocked domains | cableguy@fbit.gov | 2018-10-22 11:19 | |
Surveillance tracker update | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-08-14 16:25 | |
Regarding Mr. Simmons... | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-05-24 15:45 | |
Ensconced | エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com | 2018-04-26 16:35 | |
Those scans you requested. | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-04-17 15:11 | |
You got some explaining to do. | bigcheese@dcmayor.gov | 2018-03-29 10:24 | |
Operation Karamojo | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-03-19 16:28 | |
Just so. | カタル@昨日越えて.com | 2018-03-07 17:40 | |
Shenanigans | ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com | 2018-02-06 16:32 | |
Downtown building attack update | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-01-19 15:27 | |
FWD: [SPAM?]Merry Christmas Mr.Mayor | bigcheese@dcmayor.com | 2017-12-22 09:04 | |
[SPAM?] | ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com | 2017-12-14 15:26 | |
[SPAM?] Annuit Coeptis | ぶら下げ庭@昨日越えて.com | 2017-12-12 17:15 | |
Payday padding? | j.doherty@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2017-11-23 10:37 | |
Re: Re: Red Flag Event | burnham@anchoragepd.gov | 2017-10-26 10:42 | |
Red Flag Event | burnham@anchoragepd.gov | 2017-10-21 17:44 | |
RE: August Lindenhurst, goods inspection? | customsdude@dcmailoffice.gov | 2017-10-13 15:55 | |
Yakuza message? | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2017-04-11 17:23 | |
What the hell is going on over there? | bigcheese@dcmayor.gov | 2017-02-02 12:55 | |
A favor | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-11-03 12:37 | |
Halloween Party | m.hyster@mpd.gov.net | 2016-11-03 10:14 | |
Re: Re: Re: The DHS | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2016-11-02 15:31 | |
Payday Gang | claire.arnold@dhs.gov.net | 2016-09-30 14:55 | |
The DHS | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2016-09-30 14:31 | |
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-23 09:51 | |
RE: RE: New special units | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-16 10:27 | |
RE: New special units | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-13 17:45 | |
RE: RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-07 18:07 | |
Firearms Database Application Updated | j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net | 2016-09-07 17:52 | |
Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-03-10 11:07 | |
Another unique weapon | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-12-11 15:47 | |
Bodhi Briefing | j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-12-04 11:03 | |
RE: RE: RE: Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-10-20 11:28 | |
RE: RE: Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-10-20 11:12 | |
RE: Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-10-19 13:08 | |
RE: information request | christopher.foyle@newscotlandyard.co.uk | 2015-10-05 13:22 | |
lot of dear tasers!!!!! | bigcheese@dcmayor.gov | 2015-10-05 12:12 | |
RE: RE: Disturbing development | nev.winters@gensec.biz | 2015-10-02 11:27 | |
Firearms Database Application Updated | j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-10-02 10:42 | |
Disturbing development | nev.winters@gensec.biz | 2015-09-29 23:08 | |
RE: RE: RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting | j.smalls@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-26 00:13 | |
RE: RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting | j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-25 21:59 | |
RE: Date/Time Formatting | j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-24 23:54 | |
Introduction | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-09-23 09:34 | |
URGENT!! Read this from the MAYOR!! | bigcheese@dcmayor.gov | 2015-09-22 21:12 | |
You’re all set up | it@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-22 20:30 | |
Ready for action | nev.winters@gensec.biz | 2015-09-21 13:01 | |
Ready for business | mar.spooner@gensec.biz | 2015-09-21 10:22 | |
Welcome back | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2015-09-21 08:56 |
Subject | To | Date | |
You like riddles do you? | エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com | 2018-03-06 17:24 | |
Meeting ASAP | b.painter@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2018-02-19 17:27 | |
Unless you intend to do something useful | エンメルカル@昨日越えて.com | 2018-01-19 16:35 | |
Re: Red Flag Event | burnham@anchoragepd.gov | 2017-10-25 14:13 | |
August Lindenhurst, goods inspection? | customsdude@dcmailoffice.gov | 2017-10-11 17:24 | |
Re: Yakuza message? | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2017-04-12 15:51 | |
Re: A favor | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-11-03 13:03 | |
Re: Re: The DHS | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2016-11-02 10:03 | |
Urgent | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-30 15:16 | |
Re: Payday Gang | claire.arnold@dhs.gov.net | 2016-09-30 15:14 | |
Re: The DHS | jones.johnp@ic.fbi.gov.net | 2016-09-30 15:10 | |
New special units | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-09-13 14:15 | |
RE: Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2016-03-15 14:49 | |
Unique weapons | p.romises@paydaytaskforce.gov | 2015-10-18 23:22 | |
RE: Disturbing development | nev.winters@gensec.biz | 2015-09-30 09:24 | |
RE: RE: Date/Time Formatting | j.hunter@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-25 09:22 | |
Date/Time Formatting | it@capitolhill.gov.net | 2015-09-24 22:34 | |
RE: URGENT!! Read this from the MAYOR!! | bigcheese@dcmayor.gov | 2015-09-23 21:12 |
Subject | From | Date | |
This folder is empty. |
Subject | From | Date | |
This folder is empty. |
The FBI files allows you to access player's statistics for PAYDAY 2, ranging from heists completed, kills, weapons equipped, current loadout, and more.
You can also access information about the heisters, contractors and more that the FBI has knowledge of.
Open up the 'Suspect Database' or 'Suspect Loadout' folder, type in your Steam Community URL and press 'Search FedNet'.
To get a Steam Community URL, either visit your own profile or a friend's profile, Right-click the page (Left click for you southpaws), and select 'Copy Page URL'. You can then paste this into the search field on the FBI Files.
You can also log into the FBI Files website using the Steam Login page underneath the Search Field. Logging in will then place a 1-click button above the Search field to get to your own stats quickly.
Your stats are tracked locally and are updated to Steam's Stat Database whenever you see the 'Saving...' icon on your screen.
If you play offline, your stats will be updated the next time you play online.
It's possible that Steam's API servers are lagging behind, wait a short while and they should update. Failing that, they should update the next time you play.
It's also possible that Steam's servers are having problems. Stats are not cached by our site, so if we cannot retrieve them from Steam, we will be unable to show them to you.
Simply set your profile as 'Private' or 'Friends Only' in steam, and your stats will no longer be visible after a short delay.
Unfortunately this is a limitation of the Steam Web API.
The stats we show on the FBI Files are publicly visible to anyone that uses the Steam Web API. To hide these you must set your Steam Profile as 'Private' or 'Friends Only'.
If you choose to login to the FBI Files with your Steam Account, no information about your account will be saved by us. You will be sent to Steam's website to login, and once complete your Steam ID will be sent to us so we can retrieve your correct account details to show on the site.
We'll set cookies in your browser that records which emails in the 'Internal Memos' section you have opened.
We use Google Analytics to track usage of the FBI Files, for example, number of visitors, country visited from, etc. We do not track any personal data with this, and if you do not wish to be tracked by Google Analytics, please use Google's Opt-out Browser addon or use an adblocker in your browser.
Unfortunately not at this time.
Unfortunately not at this time.
“Beautiful fucking weapons! Serial numbers erased! RISE like a Sputnik, and look good doing it!"
- Vlad Kozak
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